• А.О. Пілюков Державний торговельно-економічний університет
Ключові слова: теоретичні засади, управління проектами, проект, життєвий цикл проекту, методи, методологічні


Створення теорій є фундаментальним завданням у багатьох галузях досліджень, що підкреслює його ключову роль у наукових пошуках. У цьому дослідженні проведено аналіз існуючих теорій у різних дисциплінах з подвійною метою: (1) об'єднати ці знання у структуровану систему, і (2) сприяти розвитку та оцінці теорії у сфері досліджень з управління проектами. У статті наводяться основні теорії, які були виокремленні автором та вважаються найбільш сучасними та актуальними на сьогодні. Надається аналіз наступних теорій з управління проєктами: прескриптивна теорія, описова теорія, прогностична теорія, теорія практики, гібридна теорія, пояснювальна теорія, теорія процесів, теорія дії/дизайн, теорія планування, теорія виконання, теорія контролю. У статті наводиться компаративний аналіз визначених теорій та надаються певні недоліки цих підходів. У висновках наводяться обмеження цього дослідження та надаються напрямки подальшого розвитку та аналізу для подальших досліджень та доробків.


Bushuyev S.D., Bushuyev D.A., Jaroshenko R.F. Organization Development Project Management Driving by Entrepreneurship Energy. Serbian Project Management Journal. 2016. Vol. 6, iss. 2. pp. 12–16. DOI:

Kononenko I.V., Lutsenko S.Yu. Evolution of the generalized body of knowledge on project management. Bulletin of the Technical University “KhPI”. Series: Strategic management, portfolio, program and project management. 2018. № 1 (1277). С. 10–17. DOI:

Танака Х., Бушуев С. Д., Ярошенко Ф. А. Управление инновационными проєктами и программами на основе системы знаний Р2М: монография. Київ : «Саммит-Книга», 2012. 272 с.

Mohagheghi P. Global Software Development: Issues, Solutions, Challenges. September 2004. URL: (дата звернення: 09.05.2024).

Paasivaara M., Lassenius C. Could Global Software Development Benefit from Agile Methods? 1st IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering. 2006. Р. 109–113. DOI:

Taweel A., Delaney B., Arvanitis T.N., Zhao L. Communication, Knowledge and Co-ordination Management in Globally Distributed Software Development: Informed by a scientific Software Engineering Case Study. 4th IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering. 2009. P. 370–375. DOI:

Paulk M.C. Agile Methodologies and Process Discipline. The Journal of Defense Software Engineering. 2002. P. 15–18. DOI:

Hossain E., Barbar M.A., Paik H.-Y. Using Scrum in Global Software Development: A systematic Literature Review. 4th International Conference of Global Software Engineering. July 13–16, 2009. P. 175–184. DOI:

Soderlund J. Building theories of project management: Past research, questions for the future. International Journal of Project Management. 2004. No. 22(3). P. 183–191. DOI:

Lundin R.A., & Soderholm A. A theory of the temporary organization. Scandinavian Journal of Management. 1995. No. 11(4). P. 437–455. DOI:

Müller, R., & Klein, G. What Constitutes a Contemporary Contribution to Project Management Journal. 2018. No. 49(5). P. 3–9. DOI:

Lynham S. Quantitative Research and Theory Building: Dubin’s Method. Advances in Developing Human Resources. 2002. No. 4(3). P. 242–276. DOI:

Shepherd D.A., & Suddaby R. Theory Building: A Review and Integration. Journal of Management. 2017. No. 43(1). P. 59–86. DOI:

Jacobsson M., & Soderholm A. Breaking out of the straitjacket of project research: In search of contribution. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business. 2011. No. 4(3). P. 378–388. DOI:

Lalonde P.-L., Bourgault M., & Findeli A. An empirical investigation of the project situation: PM practice as an inquiry process. International Journal of Project Management. 2012. No. 30(4). P. 418–431. DOI:

Musawir A.U., Serra C.E.M., Zwikael O., & Ali I. Project governance, benefit management, and project success: Towards a framework for supporting organizational strategy implementation. International Journal of Project Management. 2017. No. 35(8). P. 1658–1672. DOI:

Niederman, F., Müller, B., & March, S. T. (2018) Using Process Theory for Accumulating Project Management Knowledge: A Seven-Category Model. Project Management Journal. No. 49(1). P. 6–24. DOI:

Gregor S., & Jones D. The Anatomy of a Design Theory. Journal of the Association for Information Systems. 2007. No. 8(5). P. 312–323. DOI:

Wilson J.M. Gantt charts: A centenary appreciation. European Journal of Operational Research. 2003. No. 149(2). P. 430–437. DOI:

Geraldi J., Soderlund J., & Marrewijk A.V. Advancing theory and debate in project studies. Project Management Journal. 2020. No. 51(4). P. 351–356. DOI:

Packendorff J. Inquiring into the temporary organization: New directions for project management research. Scandinavian Journal of Management. 1995. No. 11(4). P. 319–333. DOI:

Burke C.M., & Morley M.J. On temporary organizations: A review, synthesis and research agenda. Human Relations. 2016. No. 69(6). P. 1235–1258. DOI:

Pinto J.K. and Prescott J.E. Variations in critical success factors over the stages in the project life cycle. Journal of Management. 1988. No. 14 (1). P. 5–18. DOI:

Martinsuo M., & Huemann M. The basics of writing a paper for the International Journal of Project Management. International Journal of Project Management. 2020. No. 38(6). P. 340–345. DOI:

Winter M., Smith C., Morris P., & Cicmil S. Directions for future research in project management: The main findings of a UK government-funded research network. International Journal of Project Management. 2006. No. 24(8). P. 638–649. DOI:

Feldman M. S., & Orlikowski W. J. (2011) Theorizing practice and practicing theory. Organization Science. No. 22(5). P. 1240–1253. DOI:

Kalogeropoulos T., Leopoulos V., Kirytopoulos K., & Ventoura Z. Project-as-practice: Applying Bourdieu’s theory of practice on project managers. Project Management Journal. 2020. No. 51(6). P. 599–616. DOI:

Sergi V., Crevani L., & Aubry M. Process Studies of Project Organizing. Project Management Journal. 2020. No. 51(1). P. 3–10. DOI:

Svejvig P., Sankaran S., & Lindhult E. Guest editorial: Special issue on action research and its variants in project studies and project management. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business. 2021. No. 14(1). P. 1–12. DOI:

Pinedo M., Hadavi K. Scheduling: Theory, Algorithms and Systems Development. Operations Research Proceedings 1991. 1992. Vol 1991. Springer. P. 35–48. DOI:

Ritchie D. Shannon and Weaver: Unravelling the Paradox of Information. Communication Research. 1986. No. 13(2). P. 278–298. DOI:

Hofstede G. The Poverty of Management Control Philosophy. The Academy of Management Review. 1978. No. 3(3). P. 450–461. DOI:

Project Management Institute. 2021. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide). 7th ed. Newton Square, PA: Project Management Institute. P. 846.

Bushuyev S. D., Bushuyev D. A., Jaroshenko R. F. (2016) Organization Development Project Management Driving by Entrepreneurship Energy. Serbian Project Management Journal, vol. 6, iss. 2. pp. 12–16. DOI:

Kononenko I. V., Lutsenko S. Yu. (2018) Evolution of the generalized body of knowledge on project management. Bulletin of the Technical University “KhPI”. Series: Strategic management, portfolio, program and project management, no. 1 (1277), pp. 10–17. DOI:

Tanaka H., Bushuev S. D., Yaroshenko F. A. (2012) Upravlenie innovaciynimy proectamy i programamy na osnovi sistemnih znan P2M [Management of innovative projects and programmes based on P2M knowledge system]. Kyiv: Vydavnytstvo «Summit-Kniga». (in Ukrainian)

Mohagheghi P. Global Software Development: Issues, Solutions, Challenges. September 2004. Available at: (accessed May 9, 2024).

Paasivaara M., Lassenius C. (2006) Could Global Software Development Benefit from Agile Methods? 1st IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering. Pp. 109–113. DOI:

Taweel A., Delaney B., Arvanitis T. N., Zhao L. (2009) Communication, Knowledge and Co-ordination Management in Globally Distributed Software Development: Informed by a scientific Software Engineering Case Study. 4th IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering. Pp. 370–375. DOI:

Paulk M. C. (2002) Agile Methodologies and Process Discipline. The Journal of Defense Software Engineering. Pp. 15–18. DOI:

Hossain E., Barbar M. A., Paik H.-Y. (July 13–16, 2009) Using Scrum in Global Software Development: A systematic Literature Review. 4th International Conference of Global Software Engineering. Pp. 175–184. DOI

Soderlund J. (2004) Building theories of project management: Past research, questions for the future. International Journal of Project Management, no. 22(3), pp. 183–191.

Lundin R. A., & Soderholm A. (1995). A theory of the temporary organization. Scandinavian Journal of Management, no. 11(4), pp. 437–455

Müller R., & Klein G. (2018) What Constitutes a Contemporary Contribution to Project Management Journal, Project Management Journal, no. 49(5), pp. 3–9. DOI:

Lynham S. (2002) Quantitative Research and Theory Building: Dubin’s Method. Advances in Developing Human Resources, no. 4(3), pp. 242–276. DOI:

Shepherd D. A., & Suddaby R. (2017) Theory Building: A Review and Integration. Journal of Management, no. 43(1), pp. 59–86. DOI:

Jacobsson M., & Soderholm A. (2011) Breaking out of the straitjacket of project research: In search of contribution. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, no. 4(3), pp. 378–388. DOI:

Lalonde P.-L., Bourgault M., & Findeli, A. (2012) An empirical investigation of the project situation: PM practice as an inquiry process. International Journal of Project Management, no. 30(4), pp. 418–431. DOI:

Musawir A. U., Serra C. E. M., Zwikael O., & Ali I. (2017) Project governance, benefit management, and project success: Towards a framework for supporting organizational strategy implementation. International Journal of Project Management, no. 35(8), pp. 1658–1672. DOI:

Niederman F., Müller B., & March S. T. (2018) Using Process Theory for Accumulating Project Management Knowledge: A Seven-Category Model. Project Management Journal, no. 49(1), pp. 6–24. DOI:

Gregor S., & Jones D. (2007) The Anatomy of a Design Theory. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, no. 8(5), pp. 312–323. DOI:

Wilson J. M. (2003) Gantt charts: A centenary appreciation. European Journal of Operational Research, no. 149(2), pp. 430–437. DOI:

Geraldi J., Soderlund J., & Marrewijk A. V. (2020) Advancing theory and debate in project studies. Project Management Journal, no. 51(4), pp. 351–356. DOI:

Packendorff J. (1995) Inquiring into the temporary organization: New directions for project management research. Scandinavian Journal of Management, no. 11(4), pp. 319–333. DOI:

Burke C. M., & Morley M. J. (2016) On temporary organizations: A review, synthesis and research agenda. Human Relations, no. 69(6), pp. 1235–1258. DOI:

Pinto J. K. and Prescott J. E. (1988) Variations in critical success factors over the stages in the project life cycle. Journal of Management, no. 14 (1), pp. 5–18. DOI:

Martinsuo M., & Huemann M. (2020) The basics of writing a paper for the International Journal of Project Management. International Journal of Project Management, no. 38(6), pp. 340–345. DOI:

Winter M., Smith C., Morris P., & Cicmil S. (2006) Directions for future research in project management: The main findings of a UK government-funded research network. International Journal of Project Management, no. 24(8), pp. 638–649. DOI:

Feldman M. S., & Orlikowski W. J. (2011). Theorizing practice and practicing theory. Organization Science, no. 22(5), pp. 1240–1253. DOI:

Kalogeropoulos T., Leopoulos V., Kirytopoulos K., & Ventoura Z. (2020) Project-as-practice: Applying Bourdieu’s theory of practice on project managers. Project Management Journal, no. 51(6), pp. 599–616. DOI:

Sergi V., Crevani L., & Aubry M. (2020) Process Studies of Project Organizing. Project Management Journal, no. 51(1), pp. 3–10. DOI:

Svejvig P., Sankaran S., & Lindhult E. (2021) Guest editorial: Special issue on action research and its variants in project studies and project management. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, no. 14(1), pp. 1–12. DOI:

Pinedo M., Hadavi K. (1992) Scheduling: Theory, Algorithms and Systems Development. Operations Research Proceedings 1991, vol 1991. Springer. Pp. 35–48. DOI:

Ritchie D. (1986) Shannon and Weaver: Unravelling the Paradox of Information. Communication Research, no. 13(2), pp. 278–298. DOI:

Hofstede G. (1978) The Poverty of Management Control Philosophy. The Academy of Management Review, no. 3(3), pp. 450–461. DOI:

Project Management Institute. 2021. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide). 7th ed. Newton Square, PA: Project Management Institute. P. 846

Переглядів статті: 36
Завантажень PDF: 13
Як цитувати
Пілюков, А. (2024). КОМПАРАТИВНИЙ АНАЛІЗ ТЕОРІЙ І ПІДХОДІВ ДО УПРАВЛІННЯ ПРОЕКТАМИ. Київський економічний науковий журнал, (5), 114-121.