• Anatoliy Pilyukov State University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: theoretical framework, project management, project, project life cycle, methods, methodological


Objective. Initially, we undertook a process of reconstructing the fundamental theoretical underpinnings of project management by juxtaposing key tenets of project management prescriptions with established theories within operations management. This inquiry revealed that project management relies on a composite theory of projects and management. Subsequently, we scrutinized this foundational theory of project management using two distinct sources of evidence: (1) competing theories, and (2) empirical validation. Remarkably, findings from both avenues converged, indicating deficiencies in the underlying theoretical framework of project management, suggesting the presence of superior or supplementary theories. Notably, no individual component of this theoretical foundation could be deemed sufficient, leading to a cascade of challenges in practical project management. These issues are essentially self-inflicted, stemming from the very theories and methodologies upon which we rely. Methods. During this study was analyzed a lot of theoretical information and used the following methods like, comparison method, abstraction method, analysis and synthesis. The shortcomings of both the project and management theories exacerbate one another, permeating through the project life cycle. Typically, initial customer requirements are inadequately explored, leading to disruptions during requirement clarification and subsequent changes, derailing project progress. As deviations from the plan occur, the cumbersome nature of updating the plan renders it obsolete, prompting a shift towards informal management practices. Consequently, tasks commence without all necessary inputs, resulting in reduced efficiency, task interruptions, and increased variability downstream. Correspondingly, controlling via performance baselines disconnected from actual progress becomes ineffective or counterproductive. In essence, systematic project management becomes a faсade, concealing reduced efficiency and diminished customer value. How has this situation persisted, despite the methodology's counterproductive tendencies rooted in an implicit and inadequate theoretical foundation? The endurance of traditional project management can be attributed to the absence of an explicit theory. While practitioners have observed methodological shortcomings, the lack of an underlying theory has hindered identification and critique of deficient assumptions. Conversely, alternative methods emerging from practical observations lack theoretical explanations, impeding their wider adoption. It is evident that project management as a discipline faces a crisis, necessitating a long-overdue paradigm shift. Results. While this paper does not propose a new theory of project management per se, novel theories identified as more robust or complementary to existing implicit theories offer insights into a renewed theoretical foundation. Scientific novelty. In this endeavor, we contribute by presenting an expansive, cohesive theoretical framework for theory development. Drawing from an extensive review of literature within project management and beyond, this framework encompasses four distinct types of theory, along with their constituent components and associated activities. Practical significance can be pursued through two avenues: firstly, by developing and trialing new project management methodologies based on emerging theories in operations management; and secondly, by consolidating and theoretically explicating advanced practices that diverge from current doctrine, fostering new insights and potential refinements in practice.


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Lynham S. (2002) Quantitative Research and Theory Building: Dubin’s Method. Advances in Developing Human Resources, no. 4(3), pp. 242–276. DOI:

Shepherd D. A., & Suddaby R. (2017) Theory Building: A Review and Integration. Journal of Management, no. 43(1), pp. 59–86. DOI:

Jacobsson M., & Soderholm A. (2011) Breaking out of the straitjacket of project research: In search of contribution. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, no. 4(3), pp. 378–388. DOI:

Lalonde P.-L., Bourgault M., & Findeli, A. (2012) An empirical investigation of the project situation: PM practice as an inquiry process. International Journal of Project Management, no. 30(4), pp. 418–431. DOI:

Musawir A. U., Serra C. E. M., Zwikael O., & Ali I. (2017) Project governance, benefit management, and project success: Towards a framework for supporting organizational strategy implementation. International Journal of Project Management, no. 35(8), pp. 1658–1672. DOI:

Niederman F., Müller B., & March S. T. (2018) Using Process Theory for Accumulating Project Management Knowledge: A Seven-Category Model. Project Management Journal, no. 49(1), pp. 6–24. DOI:

Gregor S., & Jones D. (2007) The Anatomy of a Design Theory. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, no. 8(5), pp. 312–323. DOI:

Wilson J. M. (2003) Gantt charts: A centenary appreciation. European Journal of Operational Research, no. 149(2), pp. 430–437. DOI:

Geraldi J., Soderlund J., & Marrewijk A. V. (2020) Advancing theory and debate in project studies. Project Management Journal, no. 51(4), pp. 351–356. DOI:

Packendorff J. (1995) Inquiring into the temporary organization: New directions for project management research. Scandinavian Journal of Management, no. 11(4), pp. 319–333. DOI:

Burke C. M., & Morley M. J. (2016) On temporary organizations: A review, synthesis and research agenda. Human Relations, no. 69(6), pp. 1235–1258. DOI:

Pinto J. K. and Prescott J. E. (1988) Variations in critical success factors over the stages in the project life cycle. Journal of Management, no. 14 (1), pp. 5–18. DOI:

Martinsuo M., & Huemann M. (2020) The basics of writing a paper for the International Journal of Project Management. International Journal of Project Management, no. 38(6), pp. 340–345. DOI:

Winter M., Smith C., Morris P., & Cicmil S. (2006) Directions for future research in project management: The main findings of a UK government-funded research network. International Journal of Project Management, no. 24(8), pp. 638–649. DOI:

Feldman M. S., & Orlikowski W. J. (2011). Theorizing practice and practicing theory. Organization Science, no. 22(5), pp. 1240–1253. DOI:

Kalogeropoulos T., Leopoulos V., Kirytopoulos K., & Ventoura Z. (2020) Project-as-practice: Applying Bourdieu’s theory of practice on project managers. Project Management Journal, no. 51(6), pp. 599–616. DOI:

Sergi V., Crevani L., & Aubry M. (2020) Process Studies of Project Organizing. Project Management Journal, no. 51(1), pp. 3–10. DOI:

Svejvig P., Sankaran S., & Lindhult E. (2021) Guest editorial: Special issue on action research and its variants in project studies and project management. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, no. 14(1), pp. 1–12. DOI:

Pinedo M., Hadavi K. (1992) Scheduling: Theory, Algorithms and Systems Development. Operations Research Proceedings 1991, vol 1991. Springer. Pp. 35–48. DOI:

Ritchie D. (1986) Shannon and Weaver: Unravelling the Paradox of Information. Communication Research, no. 13(2), pp. 278–298. DOI:

Hofstede G. (1978) The Poverty of Management Control Philosophy. The Academy of Management Review, no. 3(3), pp. 450–461. DOI:

Project Management Institute. 2021. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide). 7th ed. Newton Square, PA: Project Management Institute. P. 846

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How to Cite
Pilyukov, A. (2024). COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THEORIES AND APPROACHES TO PROJECT MANAGEMENT. Kyiv Economic Scientific Journal, (5), 114-121.