Keywords: grants, grant support for business, grants for business, grants for processing enterprises, USAID grants


Objective. The article examines in detail the USAID Program "Competitive Economy of Ukraine" (KEU), which is implemented by the company "Kimonix International Inc.", in the direction of "supporting medium and large processing enterprises" in war conditions. Methods. While researching this topic, we referred to regulatory and legal acts, competitive documentation of funds and grant programs, as well as to the publications of scientists. Methods that were applied during the research: description, analysis, generalization, induction, deduction, explanation, classification, as well as systemic and functional, etc. The study demonstrates the goals and priorities of the Program, namely to help Ukrainian processing enterprises overcome war-induced disruptions and production shutdowns, ensure business continuity and sustainability, create jobs and help them grow in domestic and foreign markets, and ultimately support Ukraine's economy. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the goal of the Program initiative is to support processing enterprises that produce products with significant added value; those who can demonstrate experience in creating or maintaining jobs and plan to create new jobs within the grant activity; those that have stable business processes, established sales processes, in particular, those that will allow to achieve the following targets: creation of at least 30 additional jobs/employment of people (full-time for at least 12 months); receiving at least $1,000,000 in additional sales as a result of implementing grant support; investment of at least 50% of the grant amount of own investment in US dollars in business development due to the introduction of grant support. Results. The study found that the program plans to allocate approximately $10,000,000 through the awarding of approximately 30 grants ranging from $150,000 to $500,000. Practical significance. These funds can be directed to the following activities: purchase of equipment and/or process/production/technology optimization equipment, as well as installation services related to the purchase of the specified equipment; activities aimed at launching the production of a technologically new or improved product using the equipment and facilities that will be purchased with the support of this grant; activities related to entering new markets and/or expanding existing ones. Scientific novelty. The article demonstrates the specifics and peculiarities of participation in the grant competition. A number of recommendations have been developed for applicant organizations, the consideration of which will contribute to obtaining grant funding.


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How to Cite
Mariana, K.-Z., & Zvir, Y. (2024). USAID PROGRAM GRANTS FOR SUPPORT OF MEDIUM AND LARGE MANUFACTURING ENTERPRISES DURING WAR. Kyiv Economic Scientific Journal, (4), 108-113.