Keywords: marketing research, insurance, market of insurance services, marketing of insurance, insurance market, insurance product, state of the market


Objective. The purpose of the article is marketing research of modern trends in the development of the insurance market in Ukraine and determination of prospects for its development. Methods. When writing the article, the following methods of scientific research were used: analysis of the dynamics of indicators of insurance companies (number of companies, assets, number of contracts, amount of premiums and payments, etc.) for the period 2012-2023; PEST-analysis of the influence of external factors on the insurance market (political, economic, socio-cultural, technological); SWOT analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the insurance services market of Ukraine; comparative analysis of indicators of the development of Ukrainian and foreign insurance markets. Results. The insurance market of Ukraine is at the stage of formation and needs further research to understand the problem and development prospects. In the context of the economic and political crisis caused by the war, it is imperative to analyze the impact on the insurance industry and develop recommendations to overcome the challenges. It is necessary to evaluate the current trends of the insurance market and its modernization opportunities in view of global experience. An in-depth study of the problem of the insurance market will contribute to the improvement of its state regulation. Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty consists in conducting a comprehensive study of the state and development trends of the Ukrainian insurance market for the period 2012-2023, covering the crisis years of the war; improvement of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the research of the insurance market in the conditions of force majeure conditions of wartime. Practical significance. The main trends, problems and prospects for the development of the Ukrainian market of insurance services have been determined. Recommendations for insurance companies on minimizing the negative impact of the economic and political crisis have been developed. Proposals for improving state regulation of the insurance sector to strengthen the market in wartime conditions are provided. A PEST and SWOT analysis of the market of insurance services of Ukraine was carried out with an emphasis on new challenges and threats caused by the war.


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How to Cite
Korman, I., Semenda, O., & Makushok, O. (2024). MARKETING RESEARCH OF THE UKRAINIAN MARKET OF INSURANCE SERVICES. Kyiv Economic Scientific Journal, (4), 119-126.