Public administration as an independent branch regulates social relations arising in the administrative and public sphere. It is established that the term "administrative-public activity" includes all power-public activity of subjects of public authority, which can generally be called administrative bodies, with the exception of the following types of activity: legislative, local, pre-trial criminal-procedural and operational-investigative. Recognizing the validity of these positions, it seems possible to consider that the interaction of natural legal entities with public authorities, in particular in connection with the provision of administrative services, is part of the subject of public administration. In the structure of the subject of public administration, social relations that arise during the provision of administrative services take place in the composition of relations in the sphere of implementation of administrative and public activities, which are carried out by state authorities and local self-government bodies as "other public bodies". It is fundamentally important to understand that administrative services are aimed at satisfying the public interest: state, national and public, although the result of each act of applying the law is the state's response to the request of a specific individual or collective subject. Along with the generally recognized postulate that public administration is a subsystem of public law branches, it is definitely recognized that public administration is dominated by state interests, but the interests of society are an important component of it. In particular, the priority of human and citizen rights and freedoms is ensured in the executive sphere. At the same time, administrative law is a branch of law, the main task of which is related to the legal regulation of social relations in the sphere of executive power. In this connection, the creation of the structure of the executive power and the definition of the competence of the executive bodies as a single system in the structure of the public power system for the purpose of forming an effective management mechanism is of particular importance. In society, the provision of administrative services by authorities in the process of performing management functions is perceived as inherent to public authorities, but the study of the scope of administrative services in historical retrospect shows that this was not always the case. Thus, the initial stage of the formation of administrative services depending on the meaningful criterion in Ukraine was the emergence of public authorities, which was caused by the need to satisfy state and public interests in political, economic and social stability, without which it is impossible to talk about the provision of administrative services in general. Thus, the demarcation of the functions of the state apparatus with the granting of more and more powers to the authorities, the development of the economy, education, science and health care, which leads to the emergence of services that are of great importance for society and the state as a whole, the growth of the number of services that provided to the population by authorities. In other words, the expansion of the scope of the provision of administrative services can be called the next stage of the formation of the category of administrative services in Ukraine, depending on the meaningful criterion.
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