Keywords: crisis management, economic security, strategic planning, enterprise resilience, adaptation strategies, competitiveness


In the current conditions of globalization and changing market environment, the economic security of enterprises acquires special significance. In the context of growing economic challenges, the study of anti-crisis strategies, which allow companies to effectively adapt to changing conditions and ensure their stable development, becomes relevant. This article is dedicated to the analysis of anti-crisis policies as means of ensuring the economic security of enterprises. The work investigates theoretical and practical aspects of forming and implementing anti-crisis strategies, their classification, as well as their impact on the stability and development of enterprises. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of mechanisms of crisis management that can be applied in unstable economic conditions. The author identifies key strategic directions that contribute to increasing the economic security of enterprises, outlines effective tools and methods of crisis management. Recommendations for improving the anti-crisis policy of enterprises are provided with the aim of increasing their competitiveness and economic resilience. Current issues related to the development and implementation of effective crisis management strategies are highlighted, opening new possibilities for further research in this area. Considering the entire analysis and material reviewed in this article, we can emphasize that the research has helped fill some gaps in understanding crisis management and its impact on the economic security of enterprises. This has provided a more holistic and detailed view of implementing effective strategies to ensure economic stability and security. However, despite progress in this area, there remain issues that require further research. This particularly applies to the long-term impact of crisis management strategies on economic security and their integration with the overall development strategy of the company. Acknowledging these gaps highlights the importance of continuous research and knowledge updating in this sphere.


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How to Cite
Namliiev, Y., & Kopec, A. (2024). ANTI-CRISIS POLICY STRATEGIES AS A MEANS OF ENSURING THE ECONOMIC SECURITY OF ENTERPRISES. Kyiv Economic Scientific Journal, (4), 157-163.