Keywords: territorial community, investments, land resources, investment climate, investment project


Objective. Reveal the investment opportunities of territorial communities in the conditions of modern land relations and carry out calculations of the main economic indicators of the investment project. Methodology. The use of mathematical methods and methods of system analysis made it possible to investigate, calculate and substantiate the investment opportunities of territorial communities, their investment potential in the conditions of modern land relations. Results. The article examines the investment needs of territorial communities in the context of modern territorial development. The main indicators of investment projects that characterize their expediency are characterized, namely: net present value, payback period, income and expense ratio, profitability ratio, internal rate of return. Three plots of land, which are potential investment objects, were considered. The calculation of the above indicators was carried out on the example of a territorial community. Basic areas of community investment strategy have been formed, which include the development of community investment planning documents (community land zoning, community planning scheme, community investment passport), characteristics of entrepreneurial activity and community investment climate. Scientific relevance. In the modern realities of the development of land relations, territorial communities have faced the problems of inefficiency of investment policy and the need to create appropriate legal conditions for the development and improvement of the process of investment activity. The relevance of the study lies in substantiating the directions of independent formation of investment potential within the boundaries of the territorial community. It was established that councils, subdivisions, departments or sectors for investment activities formed in the structure of territorial communities, which will control, manage, and bear responsibility for the implementation of investment projects, should accompany the mechanism of investment project implementation. Practical significance. Despite a number of problematic issues, proposals were made regarding the use of land plots as objects of investment activity. Economic indicators were calculated, which give an understanding of the effectiveness of each investment project of the territorial community.


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Novakovska, I., Ishchenko, N., Kovalchuk, Y., & Skrypnyk, L. (2024). INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES OF TERRITORIAL COMMUNITIES IN THE CONTEXT OF MODERN LAND RELATIONS. Kyiv Economic Scientific Journal, (4), 164-170.