One of the key prerequisites for the successful implementation of social entrepreneurship is the preparation and support of social entrepreneurs, who are the primary agents of social change. The process of preparing social entrepreneurs involves not only acquiring necessary skills and knowledge but also changing general perceptions and stereotypical views on social issues. In today's world, international business is constantly growing, posing a threat not only to economic success but also to societal trust. The authors aim to examine the role of ethics and corporate social responsibility in the context of international business. Objective is to examine the role of ethics and corporate social responsibility in international business and uncover their impact on stakeholder relationships, risk management effectiveness, and the creation of sustainable competitive advantage. The goal is to uncover the impact of these concepts on relationships with stakeholders, effective risk management, and the formation of sustainable competitive advantages in the global business environment. This article analyzes the role of ethics and corporate social responsibility in international business, examining their influence on stakeholder relationships, risk management effectiveness, and the creation of sustainable competitive advantage. Novelty - he study provides insights into the role of ethics and corporate social responsibility in international business, highlighting their influence on stakeholder relationships, risk management effectiveness, and the formation of sustainable competitive advantages. Methods. The research is based on the analysis of current literature and scientific publications related to ethics, corporate social responsibility, and international business. Both quantitative and qualitative approaches are used to assess the impact of ethical and socially responsible practices on the success of international companies. Key aspects of building an ethical culture in organizations and implementing socially responsible practices as a strategic tool are explored. Recommendations are provided for implementing ethical standards and corporate programs in international companies to enhance their reputation and stability in the global business environment. The research is based on the analysis of current literature and scientific publications related to ethics, corporate social responsibility, and international business. Both quantitative and qualitative approaches are used to assess the impact of ethical and socially responsible practices on the success of international companies. It has been established that proper consideration of ethical principles and social responsibility contributes to increased trust among consumers and other stakeholders, reduces risks associated with reputational issues, and creates sustainable competitive advantages. Practical significance - recommendations have been developed for the implementation of ethical standards and corporate programs in international companies to improve their ethical culture and social responsibility.
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