Keywords: restructuring, transport complex, national economy, organizational, financial, informational, form


The article defines the restructuring of the transport complex as a change in its structure through the optimization and rationalization of the organizational management scheme, the movement of material, financial and information flows in order to ensure the competitiveness of transport enterprises and the demonopolization of the market of transport services. The forms and methods of restructuring are systematized, which include: improvement of the organizational structure, rationalization of the movement of material flows, optimization of financial and information flows. The following components of the restructuring of the transport complex are highlighted: organizational – as a change in the forms of ownership of business entities and their organizational and legal status; disaggregation of enterprises and reduction of their concentration; change of forms and methods of production management; financial – increasing the efficiency of managing financial resources, strengthening the financial situation due to the increase in budget allocations, funds of banking institutions and the stock market; informational – ensuring prompt and relevant exchange of information between state administration bodies and business entities, between buyers and sellers of transport services, which contribute to transparency and openness in the industry. It is proven that the restructuring of the transport complex is aimed at increasing its competitiveness, improving the quality and availability of transport services for consumers, as well as stimulating competition in the market, which contributes to its demonopolization. The requirements for the economic justification and the restructuring plan have been determined. The proposed restructuring measures are divided into: a) external, which are implemented at the macroeconomic level within the framework of the sectoral reform and involve the improvement of management methods; b) internal, which are implemented at the microeconomic level by a separate business entity. Their implementation will help ensure the efficient operation of the transport complex and adapt it to modern requirements and market conditions.


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