Keywords: economy, enterprise economy, determinants of economic security, processing enterprise, economic security of processing enterprises


This article substantiates the role of processing enterprises in the development of the country's economic system and the life of the population. A number of factors that can influence the formation of security of processing enterprises of Ukraine are considered. Determinants that help to determine the state of sustainability and the ability of enterprises to adapt to various challenges are analyzed. Attention is focused on the fact that the Ukrainian economy is quite limited in the possibility of quick and effective recovery and operational post-war rehabilitation due to the fact that it is mainly focused on exports and raw material production. The factors that determine the economic security system of the enterprise are summarized (the size of the enterprise, its raider attractiveness, activity in the institutional environment, the impermanence of external factors of the enterprise and a clear definition of threats to its condition and functioning) and it is determined that they are unequal: in specific cases, some of them are considered as key, while others are considered complementary or secondary in the context of security measures. It was determined that the need to form effective approaches and strategies for the development of the enterprise becomes critical, since the safety of economic activity becomes a guarantee not only of the stability of the enterprise, but also of its active influence on the general economic landscape of the country. In this context, the security function of the enterprise becomes an important prerequisite for its successful adaptation to the challenges of the current economic situation and global changes. Taking into account the fact that the basis of economic development is entrepreneurial activity, the formation of determinants for the purpose of enterprise security plays an important role for the state. In order to achieve this goal, the need to introduce effective mechanisms for regulating entrepreneurship on the part of the state and to improve the management systems of their economic security is substantiated. The article states that such a set of measures is aimed at ensuring the attractiveness of the economy to investors, improving stability depending on external factors, and diversifying sales markets. This task is a priority in the context of the national security strategy. Therefore, this topic of the article is important and relevant in order to increase the efficiency of the processing sphere of Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Fenii, N. (2024). FACTORS OF INFLUENCE ON THE FORMATION OF THE ECONOMIC SECURITY OF PROCESSING ENTERPRISES OF UKRAINE. Kyiv Economic Scientific Journal, (4), 230-235. https://doi.org/10.32782/2786-765X/2024-4-32