Keywords: urban electric transport, innovative types of urban electric transport, staffing, efficiency, investment effectiveness of using urban electric transport


Objective. The article examines how the staffing of urban electric transport enterprises affects the efficiency of its work and formulates recommendations regarding the staffing of enterprises of the sector and the evaluation of the effectiveness of their activities in the conditions of using innovative types of urban electric transport - electric buses and trolleybuses with autonomous driving. Methods. It is proposed to use a project approach to staffing the urban electric transport sector. Mathematical apparatus was also widely used. Results. The formula for calculating the number of drivers of autonomous trolleybuses has been defined; formula for calculating the number of vehicles on the route; the formula for calculating the duration of the vehicle's movement along the route; the formula for calculating the total number of vehicle drivers; a formula for calculating the efficiency of transport services using innovative types of urban electric transport; a formula for calculating the investment efficiency of using autonomous trolleybuses and electric buses as innovative types of urban electric transport. Scientific novelty. The article provides a list of transformations taking place at public transport utilities in Ukraine in the near future; recommendations were formulated for determining the number of drivers depending on the type and purpose of electric transport; the expediency of organizing the process of training drivers through the interaction of enterprises with one of the higher education institutions of the city of Kharkiv is substantiated; proposals are presented regarding the calculation of the efficiency and investment efficiency of providing services using innovative types of transport, taking into account the costs of personnel training; the risks faced by electric transport enterprises are given, and a conclusion is formulated regarding the importance of using anti-crisis management tools in the activities of these enterprises. Practical significance. All the provided recommendations can be applied in the work of urban electric transport companies already today.


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How to Cite
Zakharov, D., & Tararuiev, I. (2024). STAFFING AS AN ELEMENT OF THE EFFICIENCY OF USING INNOVATIVE TYPES OF URBAN ELECTRIC TRANSPORT. Kyiv Economic Scientific Journal, (5), 32-39.