Factors in the functioning of the education system as the main economic growth of the national economy, social and economic well-being of the population are considered. The safety of society, country and individual depends on the level of its development. The trends in the development of educational services have been studied, the influence of the sphere of educational services on the labor market at the present stage of development has been shown, and the reasons for the transformation of the education sector in the national economy of Ukraine have been identified. The conducted research allows us to draw the following conclusions: firstly, there has been a clear tendency to reduce the role of the modern mechanism for organizing the education sector in the socio-economic development of society; secondly, the impact of war has a negative impact on the demand and supply of labor for the economically active population of working age. The current level significantly reduces the competitiveness of the working population in the Ukrainian labor market. Fundamental changes are needed in the field of training specialists and scientific personnel, increasing their quality level, which implies priority treatment for young people when entering master's and postgraduate programs in educational institutions; thirdly, the improvement of the employment system for young specialists after graduating from educational institutions of different levels of accreditation is currently hampered by a number of reasons: firstly, Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine has a hyper-negative impact on the development of the labor market and the national economy of the Ukrainian economy as a whole; secondly, migration processes both within Ukraine and outside its borders have a negative impact on the qualitative composition of the labor force in the labor market.
Аналіз стану та основні підходи з оцінювання якості надання освітніх послуг закладами вищої освіти України : монографія / за ред. С.Л. Лондара : ДНУ «Інститут освітньої аналітики». Київ, 2021. С. 6–7.
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The World Trade Report 2017 / World Trade Organization. 2017. Available at:
Kilkist okhochykh vstupaty v mahistraturu y aspiranturu zrosla v 2,5 razy [The number of those willing to enter master's and postgraduate studies increased by 2.5 times]. Available at: