Keywords: economics, microeconomics, business, institutions of higher education, dual higher education, economic effect, beneficiaries of economic effect


Based on the results of observations during last years, the authors came to the conclusion that the introduction of dual forms of professional competence acquisition in higher education institutions should be observed as a business process. The reason liesin the fact that it requires the involvement of resources, the interaction of stakeholders over a long period of time, and has certain economic consequences for each of them. The work reflects the results of their systematization, which are presented in a graphic model. Objective. The purpose of this researchis the formation of conceptual foundations for the quantitative evaluation of the obtained results. Methods. The study is based on the analysis of the practice of dual educational and professional projects with the direct participation of the authors. Results. Systematization of economic consequences of the dual educational – professional training programs implementation presented in the study in the form of a graphic model. At the mіcro level, it is about the change in the personal income of students, teachers of higher education institutions and employees of partner enterprises, who perform the duties of mentors during practical training on the job. In addition, attention is paid to increasing the popularity of the higher education institution in the market of educational services from the side of applicants and, accordingly, the revenue part of its budget. At the same time, business incomes from the involvement of individuals with a high level of professional competence in operational activities are increasing. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that for the first time the scientific and methodological principles of quantitative measurement of the economic effect from the implementation of dual forms of acquiring professional competences by students of higher education institutions have been proposed. They are fully consistent with the norms of the current legislation of Ukraine and supported by examples that reflect the current realities of cooperation between educational institutions and marine engineering enterprises of Mykolaiv region. Practical significance lies in providing the participants of the educational process, built on the principles of duality, with tools for identifying the benefit from participating. This makes the choice of the best strategy by each of them more conscious.


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How to Cite
Kanash, O., & Parsyak, V. (2024). MEASURING THE ECONOMIC EFFECT OF DUAL FORMS OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCES ACQUISITION. Kyiv Economic Scientific Journal, (5), 51-58.