Keywords: strategic planning, scenario analysis, alternative scenarios, oil and gas company, energy company


Objective. The purpose of the article is to study the features of strategic planning in the world's leading energy companies in order to further develop measures for its implementation in domestic practice. Methods. The research is based on the fundamental provisions of economic and management science, on the works of leading domestic and foreign specialists who have studied strategic planning in the oil and gas industry, on methodological recommendations for strategic planning in the oil and gas industry, analytical reports and strategic planning documents (strategies, as well as alternative scenarios , on which they are based) of the world's leading oil and gas corporations. Results. The author's contribution to the solution of the researched problem consists in the study of leading world practices in the field of strategic planning of oil and gas companies based on scenario analysis with the aim of further adaptation and implementation of the specified methodical approach in the practice of strategic planning of domestic oil and gas companies. Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the systematization of approaches to scenario analysis of such leading global oil and gas companies as Royal Dutch/Shell Group, British Petroleum, ExxonMobil. As the experience of strategic planning in the global practice of oil and gas companies shows, its basic tool is scenario analysis, which allows developing flexible and adaptive strategies based on several alternative scenarios. And although the horizon of such scenario planning can cover several decades, the strategy adjustment procedure is repeated every 3-4 years, which involves a complete revision of the drivers that affect the oil and gas industry. Considerable efforts spent by teams of specialists on the development of alternative scenarios, on the basis of which the management of the world's leading oil and gas companies build corporate strategies, are fully justified, taking into account how dynamic and difficult to predict the energy industry is.Practical significance. As a result of the conducted research, the main approaches to the development of flexible and adaptive strategies based on several alternative scenarios were determined, which has practical significance for companies in the domestic oil and gas sector. As a direction of further research, based on the assessment of the current strategies of domestic oil and gas companies, the analysis of methodological and organizational approaches to the implementation of planning and economic work in the field of strategic planning, used by the management of domestic oil and gas companies, as well as based on the foreign experience of strategic planning in global practice energy companies, it is envisaged to develop a set of measures to improve the process of strategic planning in the domestic oil and gas sector.


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How to Cite
Mykhaylychenko, N., & Balashova, O. (2024). FEATURES OF STRATEGIC PLANNING OF OIL AND GAS COMPANIES IN GLOBAL PRACTICE. Kyiv Economic Scientific Journal, (5), 85-92. https://doi.org/10.32782/2786-765X/2024-5-13