Keywords: marketing activities, emotional intelligence, emotional skills, emotional intelligence in marketing, emotional intelligence of marketing managers, emotional marketing, modelling, efficiency and effectiveness


Objective. This study aims to propose a model of emotional intelligence tailored to the specific demands of the marketing profession, addressing the challenges marketers encounter in today's market landscape. Methods. The research uses a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative analysis of experiences from leading Ukrainian marketing agencies and scientific articles with quantitative investigation into the market. Data collection involved interviews, surveys, and literature reviews to comprehensively understand the role of emotional intelligence in marketing and its implications for contemporary marketing strategies. Results. The study resulted in the proposal of a model of emotional intelligence that accounts for the intricacies of marketing work. The model incorporates essential emotional skills and competencies such as empathy, flexibility, emotional reasoning, social skills, self-assurance, self-control, reality testing, and motivation. It also acknowledges the need for adaptability, creativity, teamwork, organizational skills, and analytical thinking. This model is intended to assist marketers in raising awareness of their work and understanding ways to improve effectiveness and efficiency. Scientific novelty. This study contributes to the existing literature by proposing a novel model of emotional intelligence specifically designed for marketing professionals. The model incorporates essential emotional skills and competencies required for effective marketing practices, addressing the dynamic nature of modern marketing strategies and the diverse needs of the target audience in Ukraine. Practical significance. The proposed model offers practical implications for marketers, providing guidance for enhancing their effectiveness and performance. Further research focused on validating and refining the model, as well as developing a test to measure emotional intelligence based on this model, could provide valuable insights for marketing education and industry practices in Ukraine. Testing based on this model offers advantages over general emotional intelligence assessments, as it evaluates marketers' performance in their daily work context, thus offering more practical and relevant results.


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How to Cite
Mytskaniuk, V., & Sydorenko, O. (2024). DEVELOPMENT OF THE EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE MODEL FOR MARKETING SPECIALISTS. Kyiv Economic Scientific Journal, (5), 93-100.