Keywords: globalization, deglobalization, international economy, consolidation, disintegration, world political process, information space, economic integration, cultural integration


Introduction. This article examines the main aspects of globalization, its essence in modern conditions, its impact on the economic, social, ideological, and political relations of states and international security, the impact of the development of information technologies and communication networks on modern society, the analysis of trends in the role of globalization in new political realities, economic integration due to the growing role of transnational corporations, and the impact of global processes on the cultural sphere. The purpose of the article is to highlight the essence of globalization on society in modern conditions, its impact on economic, social, ideological, and political relations of states and international security, an analysis of trends of change at the planetary level in connection with the development of global communication networks, the strengthening of economic ties, and the and the formation of a single world socio-cultural space. Results. The world political process reveals the functional aspects of international relations, first of all, the activities of the subjects of global politics in the international arena. Today, the transition from a bipolar to a multipolar world is coming to an end, with the relative preservation of the dominant position of the United States of America. The problems of strengthening global security against the challenges of international terrorism, attempts to eliminate the phenomenon of war became dominant. The specificity of the content of global politics is that it does not recognize formal barriers, easily overcomes state borders, limits sovereignty and is able to influence organized communities of people in any part of the world. A political feature of globalization is a clear weakening or reduction of the sovereignty of nation states; no country in the world today has full independence. These processes are directly related to the strengthening of the centers of world power; in particular, modern states delegate more and more powers to influential international organizations, such as NATO, WTO, EU, IMF. Conclusions. Political realities have a significant impact on the global and regional levels of globalization, determine the practice of state-political institutions, international organizations, large social communities and influential politicians with international authority. The leading criterion of progress in world politics was the movement of peoples and states. Although the current political realities show tendencies towards the process of deglobalization, the process of globalization has not yet completely stopped. Parallel trends in this ongoing process will continue, and a new form of "truncated globalization" may emerge even amid the ongoing backlash in some regions. The deterioration of global market forces may lead to increased government regulation and control, a reaction similar to the concept of "twin movements", according to which the rise of market power has led to demands for increased social protection. However, in today's political realities, no country can face modern global and national challenges alone. In today's world, globalization is a multi-level process in which economic, technological, social and political changes lead to intensified relations between states and societies with greater cross-border integration. The most important aspect of this process is the expansion of economic activity beyond national borders, as companies spread their activities around the world, creating a multifold increase in global trade and investment.


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How to Cite
Povorozniuk, N., & Bondar, T. (2024). CHANGING ROLE OF GLOBALISATION IN THE NEW SHARPENED POLITICAL REALITIES. Kyiv Economic Scientific Journal, (5), 122-128.