Keywords: anti-corruption control, reality, institution of sovereign power, factors, administration, public administration


The article examines the essence, peculiarities of state control and foreign evidence of the implementation of anti-corruption control by powers. Today, a clear understanding has already been formed that a successful fight against corruption cannot be carried out, since it will only be between “prosperous islanders” and temporary victories. Such island garni, it seems, are at a short distance and only at the initial stage of anti-corruption purification. This complex legal system, strategy, political will, scientific foundation, consistency and offensiveness are required. In this case, the system is responsible for providing well-coordinated rule-making activity; disintegration of international comprehensive anti-corruption programs; establishing international relations with the immediate implementation of their norms in national legislation; coordination of legal, organizational, management, audit, information, analytical and scientific research activities; I will provide expert, technical and financial assistance in real law-based anti-corruption practice; connection to the general certificate of the institute of community marriage. During the war, and especially during the war period in Ukraine, the anti-corruption activities of the authorities will be important. The article systematizes and identifies the peculiarities and models of anti-corruption control in foreign countries. Based on the peculiarities of the institutionalization of anti-corruption control, the powers are divided into blocks from specific powers to these blocks: powers with a high level of institutionalization of anti-corruption control, powers with strong institutionalization of anti-corruption control, powers with average rates of institutionalization of anti-corruption control, powers with insufficient level of institutionalization of anti-corruption control. The results of the investigation and investigation are divided into the concept of anti-corruption control of the state, which results in the establishment of a complete, effective and efficient, dynamic system for preventing corruption of the state.


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How to Cite
Bogolepova, A. (2024). ESSENCE, PRINCIPLES AND FEATURES OF STATE ANTI-CORRUPTION CONTROL. Kyiv Economic Scientific Journal, (6), 7-11.