Keywords: recovery of Ukraine, defense-industrial component, national security system, country perspective factor, stakeholder approach


The article updates the topic of recovery of Ukraine, in the context of world hybrid confrontation, a growing rift between a campus of democratic countries and of aggressors’. The goal of the paper is to carry out an analysis of the objective, which lies in study of contemporary conceptual approaches of some influential democratic actors and the peculiarities of their implementation, with regard to the defense-industrial component. In order to develop a basis for evaluating foreign partners on the subject of their involvement in the recovery of Ukraine, in the paradigm of ensuring national security. The disclosure of the subject of the manuscript owes to complex of the methods, such primarily, as the systems theory, the organizational-structural and the functional-activity analysis as major scientific instruments. Alongside with methods mentioned above, the stakeholder approach has been implemented. The scientific novelty in manifesting the signs of the phenomenon «recovery» as a system phenomenon, and determination of its system-forming factor in interaction between stakeholders inside and outside the structure. The paper also highlights the principles of the Political Guidelines for the next European Commission 2024-2029, new initiatives to build the European Air Shield, and the EU Cyber Defense together with NATO member States. From the USA part, some elements of the National Defense Industrial Strategy are discussed, particularly the production diplomacy for deterrence, readiness, and resilience in the Indo-Pacific altogether with partners, to strength the defense-industrial complex and build a sustainable productive ecosystem. The practical significance of the paper is, that it is significant to take into account the perspective factor of the partner country, which will make it possible to assess risks and threats towards national security system, to develop by the authorities needed approaches on the strategic management of recovery. The conclusions summarize the trends of building a sustainable production ecosystem, the principles of evaluating potential partners.


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How to Cite
Bondar, V. (2024). RECOVERY OF UKRAINE: A STAKEHOLDER APPROACH. Kyiv Economic Scientific Journal, (6), 12-16.