Keywords: European Union, «Creative Europe», music sector, post-war recovery, grant


Objective. The article analyzes the contribution of the European Union to the recovery of the music sector of Ukraine in the period 2022-2024. It was noted that today the EU supports the Ukrainian music industry by enabling its representatives and the government in general to receive grants, which should be aimed at supporting the researched area, the implementation and development of innovations in all branches of the music industry. At the same time, although government and state institutions are defined as priorities in such grants, in practice they do not actively participate in them. It was noted that the vast majority of grants offered by the EU are implemented through the «Creative Europe» program, are distributed on government resources and are pan-European, that is, those aimed at all European states participating in «Creative Europe». Results. The main focus of the article is on the grant projects MusicAIRE and LIVEMX, which since the full-scale invasion are the largest, both in terms of the number of participants and allocated financial assistance. At the same time, it was emphasized that in addition to competitions for obtaining grants, EU funds and programs support various festivals, educational courses, seminars and conferences, at which, among others, issues of state support for the music industry in Ukraine are raised. The article indicates that the EU policy contributes to the support of private European companies that are related to the music business, the Ukrainian music space, in particular, Spotify and IMPALA. When preparing the research, the following methods are used: heuristic, analysis and synthesis methods, verification method, statistical methods. In the conclusions, the author puts forward a hypothesis that, taking into account the processes of European integration in Ukraine, the support of the music industry from the EU will not be limited to the financial side, but will influence the adoption of legislation on the music industry, taking into account the best practices of the EU member states.


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What is the EU doing to help Ukraine’s culture during the war? And what can the cultural sector do in response? Available at: (accessed July 14, 2024).

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How to Cite
Kazakov, H. (2024). PARTICIPATION OF THE EU IN THE RESTORATION OF THE MUSIC SECTOR OF UKRAINE. Kyiv Economic Scientific Journal, (6), 29-35.