Keywords: security, probability, operational risks, information protection, object, assets, threat to information security


Objective. The article examines the issue of strategic information security management of Ukraine. It is emphasized that information security is a key direction of information society development. Results. It involves not only the development of information exchange technologies, but also the awareness of all participants in information relations, including owners, users, technology developers and the state, of the need to protect information resources and ensure state information security. At the same time, digitalization processes led to the growth of new information threats and significant cyberattacks from russia, which revealed critical problems in information security. The general provisions of information security are defined in the Information Security Strategy, according to which information security of Ukraine is a component of national security and ensures the protection of state sovereignty, territorial integrity, democratic constitutional order and other important interests. At the same time, digitalization processes led to the growth of new information threats and significant cyberattacks from russia, which revealed critical problems in information security. All these threats necessitate the formation of a system of security-oriented information environment both for business entities and for strengthening national security as a whole. The study of strategic management of information security is extremely important and timely. As a conclusion, it is said that in the era of digitalization, which has created new risks and threats for national economies and revealed critical problems in the field of information, ensuring information security becomes a necessary prerequisite for the stable functioning of not only strategically important enterprises, but also strategic industries as a whole. Building a reliable information protection system should be based on timely identification of threats to information security. Among the priority tasks of the state information policy, the following are highlighted: creation, development and improvement of the cyber security system; protection of media independence and citizens’ rights to freedom of speech; ensuring sovereignty and information security of state bodies and business entities; prevention of crimes in the field of information technologies.Among the priority tasks of the state information policy, the following are highlighted: creation, development and improvement of the cyber security system; protection of media independence and citizens’ rights to freedom of speech; ensuring sovereignty and information security of state bodies and business entities; prevention of crimes in the field of information technologies.


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How to Cite
Kotliarov, V. (2024). STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT OF INFORMATION SECURITY OF UKRAINE. Kyiv Economic Scientific Journal, (6), 66-69.