The aim of the article is a comprehensive study of the current state and substantiation of theoretical and practical aspects of energy management as the latest direction of research and practice in Ukraine. Methods. The study is based on fundamental principles of economic and management science, on the works of leading domestic and foreign experts who have studied the energy management system, on methodological recommendations for the formation of strategies, as well as alternative scenarios, especially the ISO 5001 standard. The study also uses a mixed approach, combining a qualitative analysis of scientific articles with a quantitative study of the energy market. Data collection included literature reviews to gain a comprehensive understanding of the role of energy management. Results. Scientific approaches and economic essence of the categories "energy management system" as a new direction of scientific research and practice, and "energy management services", discussions of dialectical phenomena between them are systematized. The structure of the organizational and functional part of the energy management service is given. The legislation of Ukraine, which regulates the duration of the energy management service, is analyzed, its fragmentation and inconsistency are revealed. The update of Ukraine's energy strategies is due to the fact that the previous ones did not take into account modern trends in global development. Scientific novelty. The concept of "energy strategy" is defined as a comprehensive model of state actions aimed at achieving national security goals and meeting the energy needs of society at the lowest total cost, as a component of energy security and a vector of industrial development in the country, which provides for the restoration of the energy sector using the most modern technologies. Practical significance. It is emphasized that in order for economical energy management to become the norm, it is necessary to take into account that its basis should be continuous education. Factors influencing the implementation of energy management programs are identified. It is substantiated that the transition to energy efficiency management at modern Ukrainian enterprises requires changes in management structures, the use of innovative tools and methods for optimally solving energy resource management problems.
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