Keywords: agricultural sector, global food chain, economic development, food security, innovative technologies, sustainable agriculture, globalization, economic challenges


The agricultural sector plays a key role in ensuring global food security, making it one of the most important components of the world economy. The growing demand for food due to population growth and climate change presents new challenges for agriculture, requiring effective solutions. The objective of this study is to analyze the role of the agricultural sector in the global food chain, examining its impact on economic development across various regions. The study aims to identify key challenges and explore how innovative technologies and sustainable agricultural practices can enhance production efficiency while mitigating environmental impacts. The study employs a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods, including a comprehensive review of existing literature, data analysis on global agricultural trends, and case studies from different regions. Comparative analysis is used to assess the effectiveness of innovative technologies and sustainable practices in agriculture. Results. The study finds that the agricultural sector is a critical component of the global food chain, with significant contributions to economic development, particularly in emerging economies. The adoption of innovative technologies and sustainable practices has led to increased production efficiency and a reduction in environmental degradation. However, challenges such as climate change, resource scarcity, and economic inequalities persist, requiring targeted strategies. Scientific Novelty. This research contributes to the scientific understanding of the complex interplay between the agricultural sector, global food security, and economic development. It highlights the role of technological innovation and sustainability in addressing contemporary challenges and provides new insights into the economic and environmental impacts of agriculture in a globalized context. Practical Significance. The findings of this study have practical implications for policymakers, agricultural professionals, and stakeholders involved in the global food chain. The insights gained can inform the development of strategies aimed at enhancing the sustainability and efficiency of the agricultural sector, ultimately contributing to improved food security and economic stability worldwide.


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