Keywords: entrepreneurship, trade, small business, express diagnostics, economic indicators


Objective. The article is dedicated to enhancing the diagnostic assessment of the economic condition of small trading enterprises. Results. The article explores the crucial role of small trading enterprises in the country's economy, highlighting their importance in job creation, meeting consumer needs, supporting competition, and maintaining market stability. In Ukraine, trading activities are currently one of the most widespread forms of entrepreneurship, with wholesale and retail trade being particularly prevalent among small businesses. The authors emphasize that small businesses are especially vulnerable to external shocks, a vulnerability that is exacerbated during times of war. It has been observed that, under the current wartime economic conditions, key performance indicators for small trading enterprises are declining: there is a decrease in sales volume, an increase in the percentage of losses, a reduction in profitability, and an overall increase in unprofitability. War brings instability and rapid changes, necessitating prompt analysis of the financial and economic state to identify potential problems and risks. Thus, the article underscores the importance of diagnostics for small trading enterprises, particularly in the context of the economic crisis caused by the war. Methods. The article analyzes existing methodological approaches to diagnosing the economic condition of trading enterprises and proposes an express-diagnostics method. Scientific novelty. This method allows for a rapid assessment of the general business condition using key indicators, enabling the early identification of problems. Key principles that should characterize express diagnostics for small businesses are outlined, including timeliness, rapidity, limited information availability, flexibility, and effectiveness. The challenges of conducting express analysis of small trading businesses in Ukraine are identified. The authors propose a set of 11 key indicators for small trading enterprises, which enable a quick and reliable assessment of the state of small businesses, considering the limited availability of information. Practical significance. The proposed express-diagnostics method facilitates swift and effective business evaluations, ensuring the identification of problematic aspects and improving managerial decision-making.


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How to Cite
Roman, & Vatchenko, B. (2024). EXPRESS DIAGNOSTICS OF THE ECONOMIC CONDITION OF SMALL TRADING ENTERPRISES. Kyiv Economic Scientific Journal, (6), 140-145.