Keywords: investment potential, food industry enterprise, model, financial stability, profitability, efficiency, production potential, integral indicator


The article reveals the scientific approaches of scientists to determining the essence of the investment potential of food industry enterprises – an industry on the results of which the country's food security depends, as a complex indicator that reflects the ability to attract and rationally use its resources to ensure its long-term development. It was determined that the investment potential reflects the company's ability to attract investments, as well as to effectively use them to implement strategic goals. The concept of the investment potential of a food industry enterprise is well-founded, which allowed us to propose a definition of its level through an integral indicator. It is proposed to use indicators of financial stability and profitability, liquidity and solvency, which are the basis for developing a model of financial stability and profitability of the enterprise, as well as integral indicators of production, innovation and market potential based on the construction of relevant models, as elements of building a generalizing integral indicator of the level of investment potential. This makes it possible to form forecasts regarding the sources of the company's strategic development, prospects for its efficiency, competitiveness and presence on national and international markets. It is argued that the value of the level of investment potential in dynamics allows to monitor its changes over time and to form forecasts regarding the investment attractiveness of business in the food industry. It was determined that the results of calculations obtained using the proposed scientific and methodical approach can be used to form investment strategies, assess the effectiveness of investments and forecast the future investment potential of food industry enterprises.


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How to Cite
Arenovich, I. (2024). INVESTMENT POTENTIAL OF FOOD INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES AND MODELING ITS LEVEL. Kyiv Economic Scientific Journal, (7), 8-12.