The article updates the issues of recovery of Ukraine in the conditions of global hybrid confrontation and related methodological paradigm of Public management of the recovery process in the period of global social transformations. The purpose is to substantiate a complete methodological complex to ensure the improvement of the efficiency of State regulation by restoring Ukraine in the conditions of hybrid world order. The disclosure of the subject is based on the methodology which includes basic principles of systems theory, classical methods and methodological approaches, such as: dialectics to reveal the dynamics of processes occurring in the system of Public Administration, the connection between science and practice; systemic analysis − consideration of the phenomenon in the aggregate of socio-economic relations, definition of the whole and its parts; functional analysis − elucidation of the deep patterns of the functioning of the complex of powers of the elements of the system of Public Administration, determination of their scope, nature and content; historical − systematization of cyclical approaches to optimization of the functioning of the system of Public Administration, identification of patterns and trends in the development of the social phenomenon of state regulation; logic − substantiation of the conceptual and categorical apparatus regarding the expansion of approaches to strategic planning by the recovery process; comparative analysis − formation of complementary management systems at the level of State authorities. Scientific novelty is based on the temporal paradigm, the principles of cyclicity, anticipation and resonance, a comprehensive methodological complex is proposed to increase the effectiveness of state regulation in the process of recovery of Ukraine. The practical importance, taking into account the factor of the perspective of a country, exogenous and endogenous factors, ensuring appropriateness factors, which will contribute to the development of appropriate conceptual approaches of the Public Authorities in the strategic management of recovery process. The conclusions generalize the spheres and ways of implementation of the proposed set of methodical approaches.
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