The article provides an understanding of the essence of economic security of the enterprise. The author considers personnel, information, production and legal security as components of economic security. It is justified that financial security is the main component of economic security, as it determines the ability of the enterprise to maintain the stability of financial flows and maintain liquidity. Financial security tools include the availability of a reserve fund, cost minimization, and credit risk management and investment attraction. The essence of production safety and the main measures to ensure it are determined: support of stable supply channels, creation of raw material reserves, use of reserve equipment and maintenance. An interpretation of the essence of information security and measures to ensure it are provided: implementation of cyber protection systems, training of employees on information security rules, regular software updates. The essence of personnel security and measures related to its high level are presented: the creation of personnel training, the personnel motivation system, and the formation of a personnel reserve. The essence of legal security and measures to maintain its high level at the enterprise are presented: monitoring of changes in legislation; legal support of the enterprise's economic activity; timely settlement of legal disputes. Types of financial, production, informational, personnel and legal threats are highlighted. Measures to strengthen the economic security of the enterprise are proposed: financial diversification, risk management, technological updating, protection of information resources, personnel development, legal protection. It is substantiated that the implementation of the proposed measures will contribute not only to the formation of the ability to resist crisis phenomena, but also to strengthening the competitive position of the enterprise on the market, ensuring its long-term competitiveness.
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