Objective of the study is to substantiate the key priorities of the state strategy of post-war reconstruction and structural modernization of the economy of Ukraine, taking into account modern economic, social and geopolitical challenges. The study employs a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods, including a comprehensive review of existing literature. An extended analysis of the challenges of the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine's economy was carried out in relation to: the real sector of the economy, energy security, financial stability, institutional support, efficiency of public administration, scientific potential, etc. carried out by means of analysis and synthesis, logical generalization, grouping and classification. Results. The study shows that the post-war recovery of Ukraine's economy should be considered as a «window of opportunity» for structural modernization and development of a modern European country. This requires defining clear priorities of the state strategy for post-war reconstruction. The need for deep transformation of economic sectors was emphasized in order to overcome the large-scale losses caused by the war and to promote the transition to an innovative model of economic growth. The role of digital technologies in implementing the principles of transparency and increasing the efficiency of public management decisions is highlighted. Scientific novelty. The strategic directions of the reforms are substantiated, including infrastructural reconstruction of energy and transport networks, modernization of industrial enterprises to ensure industrial production with a focus on environmentally friendly technologies. Activation of innovation and investment activity in the country, including through the consolidation of efforts of public management structures and the private sector through the establishment of partnership relations, will strengthen its competitive position on the international market. Practical significance. Clearly defined priorities will ensure the targeted and effective use of available internal resources and financial resources of international organizations in the restoration of destroyed objects and infrastructure and carry out the structural modernization of Ukraine's economy on an innovative basis.
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