Keywords: sustainable development, territorial community, local authorities, management, challenges, security, strategy


The article substantiates the importance of measures to ensure the sustainable development of territorial communities in wartime. To solve the tasks of ensuring sustainable development, it is necessary to develop a strategic planning methodology in order to supplement it with tools that allow formulating and implementing a more effective trajectory of territorial community development. The study found that the challenges of the war necessitated the updating of Territorial Community Development Strategies. The author identified tasks that need to be implemented in the territorial development strategy, taking into account the needs of the present. Among the tasks are the following: creating a safe and barrier-free environment; ensuring social responsibility, integration of internally displaced persons into the life of communities; managing energy dependence, which should include measures to strengthen energy sustainability / security in the relevant territories. It is recommended to more actively implement digital solutions in the activities of local governments. The proposed measures will lead to an improvement in the level of provision of administrative and social services, the implementation of the principles of openness and transparency; will contribute to increasing inclusiveness and quality of life in communities. The introduction of innovative technologies will also ensure higher standards of safety, environmental friendliness and public involvement in making management decisions, which will lead to an increase in the level of trust of residents in local authorities, will contribute to the creation of favorable conditions for work and living, sustainable development of territorial communities, and the return of Ukrainians from abroad.


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Dykha M., Dykha V. (2024) The environmental component in the system of ensuring sustainable development under the prism of modern challenges. Rozvytok mista. no. 1(01). pp. 45–55. DOI: https://doi.org/10.32782/city-development.2024.1-6

Dykha M., Dykha V. & Zyma V. (2024) Conceptual aspects of energy generation market development on the principles of sustainability. International Interdisciplinary Scientific Journal "Expert", no. 1(2), pp. 99–116. DOI: https://doi.org/10.62034/2815-5300/2024-v1-i2-007

Dykha M., Dykha V., & Gonta S. (2024) Development of the startup industry in ukraine: status, challenges, perspectives. Rozvytok mista, no. 2 (02), pp. 45–54. DOI: https://doi.org/10.32782/city-development.2024.2-6

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How to Cite
Matseruk, A. (2024). ENSURING SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF COMMUNITIES IN WAR CONDITIONS: PROBLEMS AND TOOLS FOR THEIR SOLUTION. Kyiv Economic Scientific Journal, (7), 105-111. https://doi.org/10.32782/2786-765X/2024-7-15