Objective. The article examines the fiscal efficiency of tax revenues to the local budgets of Ukraine, which is an urgent issue in the conditions of constant challenges of a full-scale invasion, which Ukraine faces. The article defines the impact of taxation on the formation of local budgets of Ukraine, analyzes the indicators and structure of local budget revenues, and determines their role in ensuring the economic independence of Ukraine's regions. Methods. Effective administration of local taxes and fees, such as land tax, real estate tax, single tax, etc., plays an important role in the formation of sustainable sources of financing for local budgets, allowing to develop infrastructure, provide social services and support the economy. Results. The analysis showed that in order to increase fiscal efficiency, it is necessary to improve the assessment and accounting of taxation objects, implement modern digital tools for the automation of tax administration, and strengthen control over the use of land and real estate resources thus, we offer measures to optimize the accounting of land and real estate objects, to stimulate the legalization of business and to combat the shadow economy. The conclusions emphasize that improving the taxation system at the local level will contribute to the growth of the communities' fiscal stability, strengthening their financial autonomy and improving the quality of providing services to the population. Scientific novelty. Possible actions that will contribute to the improvement of local tax administration are suggested. Practical significance. The article offers recommendations possible actions that will contribute to the improvement of local tax administration are suggested for improving the administration of local taxes, namely: investments in digitization - implementation of unified electronic databases, development of human resources that will help attract talented specialists, improvement of accounting and inventory, which will help increase revenues to local budgets, encouragement of legalization business and combating the shadow economy - aimed at reducing the volume of the shadow economy, introducing stimulating tax mechanisms - creation of conditions for the development of entrepreneurship in communities.
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