Objective. The article is devoted to the study of changes in indicators in the information sphere of the national economy using available statistical data and, on this basis, identifying the main trends of information transformations, which can be considered key. Methods. The economic-statistical method and the method of retrospective analysis are used in the work to process statistical data on selected indicators and study their dynamics. With the application of the method of logical generalization, conclusions were formulated regarding the dominant trends of changes in indicators of the information sphere of the economy of Ukraine. Results. It is proven that in modern conditions, the transition to the information economy, which is accompanied by transformations in the information sphere, is perceived as one of the most priority ways of development. The necessity of careful analysis of the trends of changes in indicators in this area, especially in conditions of gradual reorientation towards the implementation of the information society, is substantiated. Indicators characterizing the information sphere of the national economy of Ukraine were selected for analysis. Statistical material was collected and the dynamics of indicators in the information sphere of the national economy of Ukraine were studied. The main trends of informational changes have been revealed. Scientific novelty. It is proposed to carry out an analysis of changes in the innovative sphere of the national economy on the basis of indicators combined into four groups. These include indicators of the use of information and communication technologies at enterprises related to informatization, indicators of the assessment of information transformations in education, indicators of the prevalence of information and communication technologies in society, and the scope of services in the field of information and telecommunications. Practical significance. The results of the conducted analysis create a basis for a thorough assessment of informational changes in the economy and management decisions in the field of proper implementation of informational changes.
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