Keywords: financial innovations, classification of financial innovations, technological aspect, financial technologies, fintech innovation


Objective. The purpose of the article is the analysis and systematization of modern approaches to the classification of financial innovations, the determination of the aspects of influence that were set as a basis for them, as well as the key factors affecting the development of innovative activities in the financial sector. Methods. The methodological basis for achieving the research goal was general scientific methods, namely a combination of the abstract-logical method, methods of comparison, analysis, synthesis, and systematic method. Results. As a result of the analysis of the current state of scientific research on this issue, three main approaches to the classification of financial innovations have been identified: functional, product, and process. Based on the systematization of product and process approaches, it is proposed to create a new classification that provides an appropriate division "by types of object (their content)" and includes new solutions and innovations related to financial products, processes, markets, and institutions. Taking into account the features of the functional approach and supplementing it with the impact of the technological aspect, it was proposed to form a new classification of financial innovations depending on their field/direction of occurrence and use, which relates to the direction/specialization of fintech companies. Scientific novelty. Special attention is given to the approach that is based on determining the impact of the technological aspect on the development of innovative activities in the financial sector, taking into account the specifics of its spread, which is accompanied by the transformation of all the aforementioned elements of financial innovations. This allowed the creation of a list of newly formed and modernized financial products, instruments, services, operations, processes, and methods of organizing financial work, which, in essence, have acquired the characteristics of the fintech innovations category – financial innovations combined with the latest developments in the field of financial technologies. Practical significance. The proposed approach not only classifies financial innovations but also serves as a classifier for fintech companies, distributing them according to the directions (specific specialization) of their activities.


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How to Cite
Tiutiunyk, I., & Konovalenko, V. (2024). FEATURES OF MODERN APPROACHES TO THE CLASSIFICATION AND SYSTEMATIZATION OF FINANCIAL INNOVATIONS. Kyiv Economic Scientific Journal, (7), 161-169. https://doi.org/10.32782/2786-765X/2024-7-22