Objective. The article is dedicated to exploring the theoretical foundations of understanding the category of creative entrepreneurship. An analysis is conducted, and the evolution of the formation of scientific views on the understanding of such a category is considered, as discrepancies in the interpretation by different scholars can lead to various interpretations and definitions that can alter its essence. The concept of "creativity", its etymology and semantic load are analyzed. Various interpretations and definitions of the term "creativity" proposed by scholars are presented, the relationship between creativity and creation, the role of creativity in entrepreneurship, as well as its importance from the perspective of entrepreneurial activity development are examined. Methods. Research methods employed in this work include empirical research, analysis of available literature, comparative analysis, observation, generalization, and comparison. The author formulates the key prerequisites and stages of forming creativity as an economic term used to characterize entrepreneurship and some industries of the economy. The definition of creative entrepreneurship is formulated as the process of creating and developing an enterprise in creative industries, which involves identifying and utilizing opportunities for innovation, as well as utilizing creative and intellectual resources to create economic value. This type of entrepreneurship combines basic principles of entrepreneurship with creativity and innovation, leading to the creation of new products, services, and business models. Results. As a result of the research, it was found that in order to understand the various types of creative entrepreneurship, it is necessary to define the types of creative industries. Several of the most common interpretations of the classification of creative industries, proposed by scholars such as David Throsby, John Howkins, and David Hesmondhalgh, are presented in the article. The author of the article notes that a separate list of economic activities belonging to creative entrepreneurship is rarely presented in scientific literature. However, such a list has been officially approved based on creative industries and published on the website of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Scientific novelty. The article contributes to the exploration and clarification of the theoretical foundations of creative entrepreneurship. It analyzes the evolution of scientific views on the understanding of this category, highlighting discrepancies in interpretation by different scholars. By addressing these discrepancies, the article provides a comprehensive overview of the subject matter, enhancing the understanding of the essence of creative entrepreneurship. Practical significance. The article's findings on the formation and characteristics of creative entrepreneurship have practical implications for entrepreneurs and policymakers. By identifying the key prerequisites and stages of creativity formation as an economic term, the article offers insights into how individuals and organizations can foster and leverage creativity in their entrepreneurial endeavors. This understanding can guide entrepreneurs in identifying and utilizing opportunities for innovation, as well as utilizing creative and intellectual resources to create economic value.
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