The article examines the scientific understanding of the economic paradigm, the principles of its transformation, and the conditions for the transition from a traditional to a modern state. The need to prioritize the use of the paradigmatic approach as a conceptual and methodological basis for studying the formation and development of theoretical aspects and applied principles of the processes of organization and implementation of modern crisis management in the entrepreneurial sector, methodology for diagnosing crisis phenomena and forecasting trends from their impact on the emergence of destabilization processes in the economy is actualized. The general trends of the formation of the modern paradigm of the development of world and national economies are singled out, which include the processes of globalization and integration. The peculiarities of the functioning of the entrepreneurial sector are determined, that exert influence on the economic activity of its subjects, in the conditions of dynamic changes of the modern economy and factors of the formation of business space with the aim of further transformation of entrepreneurship during the transition to a new quality of socio-economic development. The relevance of the formation of an adequate anti-crisis management mechanism and its effective application in periods of financial and economic crises to promote the establishment and functioning of a stable and adaptive system of management and socio-economic development of entrepreneurship within the framework of world and national economies is substantiated. An analysis of the scientific views of economists who studied the global financial and economic crisis of 2008 was carried out, regarding the signs of the emergence of a crisis state and approaches to the elements that form the anti-crisis management system, their interrelationships in the modern economy, and regarding the intensity of the impact on the entrepreneurial sector and its subjects of internal and external factors of the business environment. Proposed for consideration are the main theses formed based on the study and analysis in this work and previous scientific achievements, which are based on the conceptual model of paradigmatic innovative development and the methodology of crisisology research. These theses characterize the research topic, namely the concept of "crisis phenomena in the economy" and "anti-crisis management system".
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