Keywords: risk profile, customs affairs, customs control, risk management system, risk indicators


Objective. The objective of this study is to investigate the generation of risk profiles in the context of customs affairs. The research aims to highlight the importance of customs control as a pivotal element in ensuring the safety and regulation of Ukraine's external economic processes. With the increasing complexity of global trade and diverse customs regulations, there is a need to explore and understand the significance of risk profile formation in optimizing customs control. Methods. The study employs a comprehensive analysis of the tools and methods used in the formation of risk profiles. It emphasizes the necessity for the development of a flexible risk profile generation system that can effectively identify and manage risks. The methods include an examination of the instruments utilized for risk profile creation, with a specific focus on their accuracy and adaptability to the dynamic nature of evolving risks. Additionally, the study explores challenges related to integration and collaboration with other countries and organizations, considering differences in methodologies and standards for risk profile formation. Results. The research outlines the results of the analysis and synthesis of risk profile formation in Ukrainian customs affairs. It delves into the improvements necessary for enhancing the quality of customs supervision and reducing violations of customs regulations. The study also sheds light on the application of risk management systems to prevent breaches of customs legislation, optimize resource utilization, and expedite the customs clearance process. The identification of safe and low-risk operations through risk profiles is discussed as a crucial outcome, contributing to improved customs control efficiency. Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of this research lies in its in-depth exploration of the risk profile generation process in the field of customs affairs. The study contributes to the understanding of the adaptability and accuracy required in risk profile tools and methodologies, considering the ever-changing landscape of risks. Additionally, it addresses the challenges associated with international collaboration and integration in risk management, providing insights into the nuances of differing methodologies and standards. Practical significance. The practical significance of this study is evident in its potential to guide policymakers, customs authorities, and practitioners in enhancing the effectiveness and safety of customs control. By emphasizing the importance of accurate risk information databases and adaptable risk profile tools, the research offers practical insights for the successful implementation of risk management strategies in customs affairs. Ultimately, the study aims to contribute to the streamlining of customs procedures and the reduction of violations, facilitating smoother international trade processes.


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How to Cite
Bondar, O., & Vinogradchyi, V. (2023). FORMING RISK PROFILES IN CUSTOMS AFFAIRS. Kyiv Economic Scientific Journal, (3), 14-17.