Keywords: development economics, growth strategy, sources of financing, levers of mobilization, demand economics, development conditions


Currently, the instability of Ukraine's economy is determined by the fact that many enterprises found themselves in areas of active hostilities and were forced to evacuate to safer regions or stop working altogether. However, it should be emphasized that the state does not have a program (strategy) for the future economic development of the country that is scientifically based and prepared for adoption at the legislative level. In the article, which is one of three publications devoted to the construction of a model of economic development of Ukraine, the object of study is social production, and the subject of research is the possible way of achieving economic growth and development of the state. In the author's previous articles, possible development strategies were considered, options for solving the problem of financing economic development were proposed, and the object and subject of research were studied from the standpoint of political economy. Objective. The purpose of this article is an analytical analysis of research and modern sources, determination of the state's capabilities and methods of financing the economic development of Ukraine in the conditions of the post-war state. Methods. To solve research problems, such research methods as historical analysis of the practical experience of developed countries and macroeconomic analysis were used. Results. The result of the conducted research determined: for this situation, the characteristic feature of which is the surplus of labor force, an effective way out of the situation can be a symbiosis of supply and demand strategies. Moreover, at the initial stage of implementing measures to achieve growth, the most effective is the demand strategy. The implementation of the demand strategy requires significant public investment, which, among other things, is possible only at the expense of domestic public borrowing, which will not lead to critical inflation, as is commonly believed today. The scientific novelty consists in creating a model of financing the development of the economy, which is based on the harmonious use of all sources and mechanisms. The practical significance, with this approach, should be defined as the possibility of rapid economic growth. It should be emphasized that a prerequisite for the implementation of symbiosis of strategies is the creation of certain industrial relations, which are absent in Ukraine. This thesis fully coincides with the postulate of political economy in that production relations are primary, and productive forces are secondary. Further scientific research will consist in a more detailed explanation of the essence of this problem.


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How to Cite
Gylka, U. (2023). DEVELOPMENT FINANCING OF UKRAINE’S ECONOMY: PROBLEMS AND PERSPECTIVES. Kyiv Economic Scientific Journal, (3), 36-43.