Keywords: efficiency, socio-economic activity, enterprise, food industry, factors, influence


The article is devoted to the study of the effectiveness of social and economic activities of food industry enterprises. The author establishes that efficiency in this field of entrepreneurial activity is determined by various factors, in particular, product quality, labor productivity, production costs, and the use of resources. The analysis of the efficiency of food industry enterprises was carried out using various methods, such as the analytical hierarchy of processes, the method of group selection and the method of a non-linear linguistic model. Factors affecting the effectiveness of the socio-economic activity of food industry enterprises in the conditions of war are summarized: decrease in the availability of raw materials and materials, increase in security costs, loss of sales markets, decrease in the efficiency of logistics processes, loss of personnel, change in the legal environment, decrease in consumer demand. The influence of various factors on the efficiency of food industry enterprises, in particular organizational, economic and social ones, has been investigated, which allowed us to summarize that in order to achieve high efficiency, it is necessary to ensure the optimal use of resources, manage current assets, increase the quality of products, improve the organization of production and ensure comfortable working conditions. Based on the results of the study, recommendations are offered for food industry enterprises in order to improve the efficiency of socio-economic activities. They point to the need to use modern production technologies, attract highly qualified employees, focus on innovation, and constantly improve the production process. The article is of practical importance for food industry enterprises, as it provides specific recommendations for improving the efficiency of social and economic activities. The study can serve as a basis for the development of management strategies of food industry enterprises with the aim of forming a trend of sustainable development.


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Kacicka, G. (2023). Adaptive risk management in food industry enterprises: integration of strategies and innovations in an environment of economic instability. International Interdisciplinary Scientific Journal "Expert", 1(1), 73–88. DOI: https://doi.org/10.62034/2815-5300/2023-v1-i1-006

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How to Cite
Arenovych, B. (2024). EFFICIENCY OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC ACTIVITY OF FOOD INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES. Kyiv Economic Scientific Journal, (4), 17-21. https://doi.org/10.32782/2786-765X/2024-4-2