Keywords: financial system, financial mechanism, financial management, financial infrastructure, financial institutions


Objective. The purpose of this article is to form one's own conceptual view on the definitions of "financial system", "financial mechanism" and "financial infrastructure" by finding answers to questions about the essence, differences and complementarity between the specified economic categories. Methods. Among the methods used in scientific research, it is advisable to outline: observation, comparison, abstraction, analysis and synthesis. Results. The article deals with the transformation of scientific concepts of the financial system, mechanism and infrastructure. The issue of complementarity between the above-mentioned economic categories, which exists in the conditions of the transformation of the economy of Ukraine, is studied. The impact of the theoretical understanding of financial definitions on their practical implementation in the financial and legal environment of the country was evaluated. Contemporary problems that conflict with the scientific combination of economic categories financial system, financial mechanism and financial infrastructure are identified. The role of financial categories in determining the architecture of financial relations has been studied. The study of finance as a science in combination with sociology, law and other social sciences has been updated. Scientific novelty. In accordance with the scientific observations described in the article, recommendations are given for streamlining the system of knowledge regarding the theoretical-applied and legal definition of financial phenomena. An own vision of the essence, structure and relationship between the specified economic categories is proposed. An attempt was made to unify the linguistic and scientific interpretation of the financial system, financial mechanism, and financial infrastructure by means of the implementation of the basic provisions for understanding the above-mentioned financial categories into financial science. The scientific novelty of this article lies in the development of its own archetype of financial categories: financial system, mechanism and infrastructure. The main provisions that should determine the essence of the financial system, in our opinion, are: integrity, decomposition, explicit essence of the system, management, financial relations, activity or inactivity, programming. We consider the financial mechanism as: part of the financial system; an element of the control system, independent autonomous elements. Financial infrastructure is specified as: "security"; reference point for institutes, institutions, subjects of the financial system. Practical significance. The article proposes to clearly separate the concepts of financial system, mechanism and infrastructure, which will allow effective management of financial activities. Semantic constructs, which are inherent in the specified financial categories, are distributed.


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