The article systematizes and summarizes scientific approaches to the content and economic essence of the categories "development," "innovation," and "investment," and substantiates the dialectical relationship between them. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the theoretical and conceptual foundations of innovative and investment development of enterprises. To realize the goal, the following tasks were set: clarify the categorical and conceptual apparatus in the field of innovation and investment development; determine the place and features of innovation and investment development in the enterprise management system; to systematize external and internal factors that determine the innovative nature of the development of enterprises in modern conditions. It was proved that the classic conceptual approach to the investment process includes the basic category of innovative activity. At the same time, innovation should be considered as a factor that resists market pressure on the manufacturer, takes it beyond normal competition, and a means that stimulates investment. The meaning of the concept of "innovative and investment development" has been clarified. The legislation of Ukraine, which regulates innovation and investment activity, was analyzed, its fragmentation and inconsistency were revealed. It has been established that understanding the processes of innovation and investment development in modern conditions enables enterprises to more effectively carry out their activities, increase the effectiveness of functioning and competitiveness on the market. It was revealed that the innovative nature of the activity of enterprises and economic sectors depends on a number of factors, in particular, internal factors include the presence of favorable economic, organizational, personnel and technical prerequisites for the introduction of innovations, psychological and informational support, external specifics of market relations, the state of the financial and economic system , favorable investment climate, specifics of the industry and stage of the life cycle, infrastructure development.
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