Keywords: labor resources, non-material motivation, retention of labor resources, system of non-material motivation, wartime


The question of the importance and significance of non-material motivation of labor resources in wartime conditions in Ukraine is revealed. The problem of labor migration abroad is outlined, as well as the complex conditions and problems faced by this category of the population. A comparison of wage levels in Ukraine, Canada and other European countries is provided, which is the main factor of material motivation. It is shown what exactly makes this category of the population hesitate to return to Ukraine after the war - the main reasons for this are illustrated. The factors due to which non-material motivation remains the only tool for motivating labor resources in wartime conditions are substantiated. Objective of the article, which was to develop systematic proposals for the use of non-material motivation as a tool for preserving the labor resources of an enterprise in wartime conditions, was achieved. Research methods were used: induction, deduction, survey, analysis and synthesis. Results obtained: effective recommendations were formulated and proposed for the implementation of a system of non-material motivation of Ukrainian labor resources in wartime for both large businesses and small enterprises. Scientific novelty: directions for implementing recommendations are presented in a form most suitable for faster implementation. Practical significance: the proposed actions should help preserve labor resources in Ukraine during wartime. To develop recommendations, several of the most significant areas were selected. Thus, improvements are proposed in terms of developing a sense of safety and physical comfort, supporting mental and physical health, understanding the goals of the enterprise, effectively planning the workday, organizing training and education, volunteering, fundraising and assistance. in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The adoption of effective strategies for non-material motivation of employees helps to reduce staff turnover, increases employee interest in the company's activities, and increases labor productivity in conditions of limited material resources during hostilities and martial law.


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How to Cite
Zhuravlev, O., & Kalaman, O. (2024). INTANGIBLE MOTIVATION AS A TOOL FOR RETAINING LABOR RESOURCES IN WARTIME CONDITIONS. Kyiv Economic Scientific Journal, (5), 27-31.