Objectives. The purpose of the study is to reveal the opportunities of the UkraineReady4EU Project for small and medium-sized businesses in Ukraine. To achieve this goal, we have identified a number of objectives: analyze the main goals and priorities of the Project; to identify the specifics of participation of Ukrainian business companies in the Project's competitive selection process for grant funding; on this basis, to develop recommendations for applicant organizations to receive grant funding. Methods. While researching this topic, we referred to legal acts, tender documents of funds and grant programs, as well as to publications of scientists. The methods used in the study included description, analysis, generalization, induction, deduction, explanation, classification, as well as systemic and functional, etc. Results. The main goal of the Project is to support and assist Ukrainian SMEs and startups in entering and developing in the Single European Market and establishing successful cooperation with business partners of the European Union. It is emphasized that 1500 Ukrainian business companies are eligible to receive grant assistance from the Project in 2023-2025 to implement measures to enter the European market and strengthen their business positions in the international arena. The article demonstrates that such assistance will cover the costs of business support services for Ukrainian SMEs, such as market research to identify European partners, legal, organizational or financial planning advice on setting up a new business or adapting an existing one, assistance in participating in EU fairs, and advice on intellectual property rights. Emphasis is placed on the distinctive features of the Project, namely: the possibility for businesses to use the attracted grant support to participate in company missions; certification and adaptation of products to EU standards and norms; preparation of products for export / preparation of technical documentation for industrial products; protection of intellectual property and licensing costs; technological audit and provision of technical support for modernization. To summarize: in the medium term, UkraineReady4EU Project grants will facilitate the entry of Ukrainian business companies into the European market, strengthening their positions in the international arena; the expected effect of the implementation of 1500 initiatives of Ukrainian SMEs funded by the Project will be to accelerate the process of integration of the Ukrainian market into the Single European Market. Scientific novelty. The recommendations for representatives of Ukrainian SMEs who want to use the Project's grant will help them prepare high-quality applications for participation in the grant competition and receive grant funding.
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Chris Allen, Michael Gasiorek, Alasdair Smith (October 1, 1998) The competition effects of the Single Market in Europe. Economic Policy, volume 13, issue 27, pp. 440–486. Available at: (accessed April 26, 2024).
Neil Fligstein, Iona Mara-Drita. (1996) How to Make a Market: Reflections on the Attempt to Create a Single Market in the European Union. American Journal of Sociology, volume 102, no. 1. Available at: (accessed April 11, 2024).
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Guidelines for Applicants applying for financial support based on a ‘Call for Applications' released by the EU-funded project Business Bridge – Ukraine-Ready4EU «Support to Ukrainian companies to integrate into the Single Market». Version March 2024. Available at: (accessed April 3, 2024).
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Business Bridge – Ukraine-Ready4EU 1 Call for Applications 2024-2 «Financial support combined with additional advice and assistance to up to 1.500 Ukrainian SMEs planning specific activities to integrate into the EU Single Market» opened on 2 nd of April 2024.. Available at: (accessed April 25, 2024).