Keywords: business communications, management, innovation model, communication process, information exchange, culture of corporate social responsibility performance, business environment


In today's environment of intensifying globalization and increasing competition in the market, it is increasingly important to implement effective business communication mechanisms based on the principles of leadership and partnership to achieve successful business results. The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of business communications in the management system of entrepreneurial structures. The article methodologically analyzes the essence of business communications as a set of communication acts in the professional environment of a company aimed at solving current tasks and interactions with structures and individual members of the organization. The key aspects of internal communications, including horizontal and vertical interactions between employees and management, as well as the transfer of decisions and issues related to the organization's mission and strategy, are examined in detail. In addition, the article defines the effectiveness of the business communication system through indicators that affect the company's relations with stakeholders, such as customers, investors, the state, etc. The article analyzes the existing problems of ensuring high-quality business communication among Ukrainian enterprises in the conditions of war, in particular due to the instability of electricity supply and the Internet. The article analyzes initiatives within the framework of social responsibility in business, including not only the payment of salaries during downtime and support for those affected by military operations, but also the development of employees' awareness of strategic goals aimed at ensuring sustainability, adaptability and management efficiency. The scientific novelty of the article suggests that for a deeper understanding of the dynamics of information exchange and the conditions for its success, it is necessary to develop an effective communication strategy that takes into account the unique characteristics of each enterprise. The practical significance is that in the modern business environment, the use of business communication models is becoming a key factor in ensuring the efficiency and productivity of enterprises.


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How to Cite
Chernova, I., & Kostyk, Y. (2024). DEVELOPMENT OF BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS IN THE SYSTEM MANAGEMENT OF BUSINESS STRUCTURES. Kyiv Economic Scientific Journal, (5), 158-165.