Keywords: post-war reconstruction, post-war recovery, international recovery actors, foreign investment


Objective. The purpose of the study is to analyse and systematise information about key actors that play an important role in the post-war reconstruction of countries, and to identify which of them could potentially become the most influential in the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine. Methods. The author uses literature review and analysis as the main methods for this research. By analysing the historical literature, the current state of international relations, reports of international organisations, and other sources, the author examines the role of international reconstruction actors. Results. In general, post-war reconstruction processes are highly complex and multifaceted. It is difficult to formulate a universal configuration of the actors involved in the post-war reconstruction of states, as each situation is unique and different from the historical experience (although many features may coincide for different countries, conflicts, and post-war situations). Nevertheless, based on the study of existing analytical materials, the state of international relations, and other data, the article systematically and in detail describes the roles of a number of actors that play an important role in post-war reconstruction. These include international non-governmental organisations (especially humanitarian ones), the UN and its agencies, the recovering states and their civil society, the private sector, other countries and supranational organisations, and major international financial institutions. Scientific novelty. The article identifies and systematises a number of actors that play an important role in the post-war reconstruction process. The author presents three research questions, the answers to which allow us to consider in detail the roles of the main actors in the field of international reconstruction. By analysing and synthesizing the existing data, the author is able to present new ideas that lead to a better understanding of the problem. Practical significance. Ukraine is currently at war, but it is already necessary to plan for the post-war reconstruction of the state. The article identifies the main actors in the field of post-war reconstruction and analyses what role they can play in rebuilding Ukraine. The author reviews and analyses the main strengths, along with the main challenges of each of the presented actors, leading to a detailed understanding of the state reconstruction processes.


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How to Cite
Chopyk, Y. (2024). MAIN ACTORS IN THE SPHERE OF STATES’ POST-WAR RECONSTRUCTION. Kyiv Economic Scientific Journal, (5), 166-176.