Keywords: international tourism, tourism industry, economic development, recovery of tourism, post-war recovery, recovery of the economy, economy crisis, foreign direct investment, Covid-19


Objective. Presently, the state of Ukraine's tourism industry poses significant challenges: incoming tourism has come to a halt, while domestic tourism is experiencing a surge driven more by necessity, stemming from internal population migration seeking refuge from incessant shelling and travel restrictions abroad for those subject to military service. The devastating impact of ongoing conflict has left the tourism sector in a precarious position, necessitating urgent and comprehensive strategies for recovery. Simultaneously, Ukraine recognizes tourism as a cornerstone for the post-war recovery of the economy and national recovery. Coordinated and meticulously planned measures, bolstered by international assistance, will expedite the industry's resurgence. The potential for tourism to drive economic revitalization, create employment opportunities, and enhance the nation's global image cannot be underestimated. Results. In this article, we will explore the experiences of rejuvenating other nations and their economies following military conflicts, economic crisis, Covid-19 crisis and periods of stagnation. To achieve this, we will closely examine the recovery trajectories of Israel and Croatia. Israel, with its history of regional conflicts and security challenges, has developed robust mechanisms to sustain and grow its tourism sector despite periodic disruptions. Similarly, Croatia, emerging from the war, has transformed into a prominent tourist destination through strategic investments and international collaborations. By analyzing the policies, strategies, and initiatives implemented by these nations, we aim to derive actionable insights and best practices that can be adapted to Ukraine’s unique context. Through a comprehensive examination of these case studies, we will identify the key factors that contributed to the successful recovery of tourism in Israel and Croatia. These include government policies, public-private partnerships, marketing strategies, infrastructure development, and the role of international aid. Practical significance. The insights gained will inform recommendations for Ukraine, providing a roadmap for rebuilding its tourism industry and positioning it as a vital component of the country’s broader economic and national recovery efforts in the post-war period.


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How to Cite
Kyrychenko, O. (2024). RECOVERY OF TOURISM IN UKRAINE IN THE POST-WAR PERIOD: CROATIA AND ISRAEL EXPERIENCE. Kyiv Economic Scientific Journal, (6), 59-65.