Keywords: bank, corporate client, service, digitalization, financial technologies, transformation


Objective. The purpose of the article is to study modern trends in the service of Ukrainian banks to corporate clients in the context of the development of the latest financial technologies. Methods. The research used methods of statistical and factor analysis during the analysis of the main indicators of corporate customer service in the modern conditions of the functioning of the banking system of Ukraine. The abstract-logical method is used for theoretical generalizations of the state of service to corporate clients of banks in the conditions of digitalization and the formation of conclusions. Results. Digitization of banks requires a rethinking of their interaction with corporate clients within the framework of an individual approach to each client based on the development of Internet marketing, information, communication and other technologies. The conducted analysis showed that during the 2.5 years of full-scale military operations on the territory of Ukraine, the number of business entities increased by 12%, of which legal entities - by 5%, and individual entrepreneurs - by 20%; in this regard, from January 1, 2022 to January 1, 2024, the number of corporate clients of the banking system increased by 14%, and the number of accounts opened by them increased by 27%. As of the beginning of 2024, 70% of corporate sector clients were individual entrepreneurs, 71% of business current accounts were opened in national currency, 89% of business clients are served remotely. The 10 leading banks of Ukraine account for 75% of the funds stored in the current accounts of corporate clients; along with high reliability, clients of these banks have begun to value the digital services provided to them at the level of global standards. Scientific novelty. The article highlights the features of the transformation of banking services for corporate clients based on the latest technologies, the main of which are: the formation of a digital environment for the interaction of the bank and corporate clients; changing the practice of the process of organizing banking services for clients, which is aimed at the implementation of digital technologies; formation of an open bank model of business client service; ensuring by banks the quality and protection of information received during business banking services. Practical significance. The results of the study can be used in the organization of service to corporate clients by banks of Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Kretov, D. (2024). CURRENT STATE OF DIGITALIZATION IN CORPORATE BANKING OF UKRAINE. Kyiv Economic Scientific Journal, (6), 78-85.