Keywords: strategy, development strategy, unstable environment, uncertainty, strategic planning, strategic environment, investment climate


Objective. This study investigates the substantive content of the definition of “strategy” for a business entity in the context of external environmental uncertainty. Results. It establishes that a development strategy should be based on an effective balance between the resource potential of the business entity and the possibilities for utilizing this potential to meet solvent market demand. This necessitates the creation of a roadmap that includes planned economic growth indicators, scalability opportunities, and development prospects, essentially constituting the business development strategy. It is demonstrated that strategy has become an integral component of business management in most market economies. It acts as a resultant driver encompassing a set of defining decisions that reflect strategic directions for utilizing resource potential, implementing the company’s mission, and generating competitive advantages in target markets. A three-dimensional matrix is proposed for formulating and selecting a business development strategy considering external environmental risk levels, strategic advantages, and strategic alternatives. This matrix considers the attractiveness of the external environment, strategic competencies aimed at strategy formulation and implementation with the available resource potential. Evaluation of each indicator is recommended for all possible choice options and assessment of strategy effectiveness. This approach should consider the primary directions of business activity, future development prospects, market position, growth potential within the target market, and the creation of conditions for entering new markets, aligning with European standards. Practical significance. The conclusions focus on the objective necessity for business entities to adapt to contemporary turbulent changes in the external environment. It highlights that the choice of a development strategy depends on numerous factors, including technological and production potential, resource availability, specifics of internal and external investment sources, dynamic economic growth opportunities amidst current realities, including the aftermath of russia's aggressive war and the reconstruction of the national economy according to European standards, considering global challenges and increasing competition.


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How to Cite
Shvydanenko, H., & Shvydanenko, V. (2024). JUSTIFICATION AND PREPARATION OF COMPANY DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY UNDER CONDITIONS OF INSTABILITY . Kyiv Economic Scientific Journal, (6), 146-153. https://doi.org/10.32782/2786-765X/2024-6-20