The article is devoted to the theoretical and methodological study of financial support as an economic definition. The task was set to identify implicit and explicit relationships between the main financial categories, which made it possible to form priority provisions and directions for harmonization of the categorical apparatus of financial science. Scientific works of financiers-scientists who study financial support as a phenomenon of the economy and various spheres of life of society have been studied. Contradictions and alternative interpretations of the main financial categories have been identified, and this requires the study of conflicting interpretations of financial processes and relationships between participants in financial relationships. Therefore, the main objective of research was to improve the theoretical and legal understanding of financial support as a component of the financial system and its definition, taking into account the specifics of Ukrainian society, which will allow for the formation of an effective mechanism for managing the country's economy. The research methods that allowed for obtaining key results consisted of primary scientific tools, such as systematic and comparative analysis, as well as synergistic meta-analysis. The main results of the study are the systematization of the semantic forms of the category "financial support" are systematized based on the basic criteria for its use in scientific research. An author's assessment of financial categories was carried out and the main directions for improvement of provision, formation of differences from financing and cash flows were identified. As a result of the analysis of many works of financial scientists, a macroeconomic view and a systemic approach that gravitates towards the financial mechanism, which makes unification of financial categories impossible, has been revealed. On the basis of the obtained results, it is proposed to carry out the formation of the architecture of the categories of financial science and to identify the relationships between them.The author's vision of the financial support category was formed on the basis of the analysis of the scientific work of scientists, which constitutes scientific novelty. A step-by-step analysis of the concept of financial provision as a component of the paradigm of the financial system was carried out, which will allow further implementation of the categorical apparatus not only in the conditions of macroeconomic research or analysis, but will also contribute to the correct and timely study of microeconomic processes that form the basis of the development of society in the conditions of dynamic development and global upheavals. The static and dynamic features of finance, which have a direct impact on the main processes inherent in the financial system, have been updated. The author's definition of financial support is proposed as one of the categories of financial science, which can be used in the research of economic subjects in conditions of global shocks. What allows us to assert the practical significance of scientific research, its relevance for the formation of the financial management system at the macro and micro levels.
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