Keywords: marketing, digital strategy, digital marketing, service, digital economy


Objective. The article discusses the theoretical foundations of digital strategy formation at the current stage of development of the digital economy. It is established that digital communication through Internet channels and digital media outside the Network ensures the promotion of goods and services to the market. The author reveals the essence of the concept of «digital marketing», which allows reaching online and offline consumers who use tablets, mobile phones, play games, download applications, and the concept of «digital strategy», which is developed on the basis of analytical data that allow drawing accurate conclusions about the effectiveness of various promotion channels. The author identifies the stages of developing a digital strategy by using various channels of choice: e-mail, influencer marketing; social networks; display or display advertising; search engine marketing; video games; video advertising; infographics. One of the ideas for gaining consumer loyalty and brand recognition is the company's creation of groups for people (voluntary associations based on interests), which would allow forming, developing and deepening people's knowledge of a certain type of activity, turning them into a target audience. The purpose of the article is to formulate proposals for the development of a digital strategy for clubs operating on the Ukrainian market, with the aim of informing and increasing the loyalty of the target audience. Methods. It was found that one of the channels of digital marketing is mobile applications, which are in demand among the population. In order to check the feasibility of implementing the idea of an informational and advertising application for clubs using an analytical method, the need of clubs and their target audience to find information about the activities of circles was investigated. The author analyzes the ratio of clubs registered in Ukraine and Germany through the Google search engine. Results. According to the study, it can be argued that enterprises such as clubs, sports sections, etc. need a platform to spread awareness of their activities among the target audience. The author proposes a digital strategy for informing and attracting customers by creating a mobile application with similar functionality as marketplaces and combining it with the social network Instagram. Scientific novelty. The concept of «digital strategy» has gained further development. Digital strategy is a direction that involves the formation of new differentiated opportunities for the development of brands using digital technologies. Practical significance. Such an application should become a worthy competitor to the Google Maps search engine, SEO search engine, and targeted advertising on social networks such as Instagram in the field of advertising and dissemination of information about the activities of cultural and creative groups, both in the Ukrainian market and in the markets of other countries, such as Germany.


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How to Cite
Kapinus, L., Shylina, V., & Leleka, O. (2023). MARKETING DIGITAL STRATEGY OF SERVICES DEVELOPMENT. Kyiv Economic Scientific Journal, (1), 15-21.