• Lidiya Romanova Educational and Research Institute of Management, Economics and Business Interregional Academy of Personnel Management
  • Denys Berezhynskyi Educational and Research Institute of Management, Economics and Business Interregional Academy of Personnel Management
Keywords: marketing, image, image of territories, marketing of territories, image of territorial communities, formation of the image of territories


Objective. The article is devoted to the problems of forming the image of territorial communities on the basis of marketing. Studying the approaches of various scholars to understanding the essence of the concept of "marketing" made it possible to determine the role of marketing tools in ensuring the attractiveness and competitiveness of enterprises, goods and services. Results. Based on the generalization of theoretical approaches to the concept of "image", the article analyzes and clarifies the essence of this concept, and provides a justification for the marketing approach. The approaches available in the scientific literature are grouped according to the criterion of belonging to a particular field of research and scientific knowledge: psychological, sociological, economic, marketing. The types of technologies for creating the image of a territorial community are identified, in particular, revivalist, self-aggrandizing, and imitative. It is established that the image as an image of a territorial community is transmitted to the consumer not only through sensory channels, but also affects the personal and ideological attitudes of each individual consumer. The attractiveness of a particular territory depends on the right image of the territorial community (territory. The image of a territorial community consists of the following components: reputation, which is based on the opinion of its residents, and popularity, which is based on the attractiveness of the territory. An important element for shaping the image of a territorial community is its positioning, clarifying the most significant, attractive aspects of a certain territory, especially those that are long-term (looking to the future). The territory should be treated as a business structure, and therefore a strategic marketing plan is needed for its development. Indicators for rating territorial communities have been identified. Practical significance. Particular attention was paid to the analysis of foreign experience in forming the image of territories, and comparative characteristics of foreign and domestic experience in the image of territorial communities were made.


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How to Cite
Romanova, L., & Berezhynskyi, D. (2023). MARKETING AS A TOOL FOR DEVELOPING THE IMAGE OF TERRITORIAL COMMUNITIES. Kyiv Economic Scientific Journal, (1), 69-75.