Keywords: innovation, business landscape, innovation project, innovation process management, innovation product, innovation life cycle


Objective. The article is devoted to the study of scientific knowledge about the methods of evaluation of innovative projects, as well as the implementation of the obtained results in practice to increase the efficiency of management of innovative processes. Methods. The authors, based on the analysis of scientific knowledge on the methods of evaluating innovative projects, found out that, in general, an innovative project aims to stimulate development and changes in the economy by introducing new ideas and technologies that bring economic benefits and contribute to strengthening the organization's position on the market. Results. It has been proven that the introduction of innovations becomes necessary to ensure the success of the enterprise, as they allow to open new markets, create competitive advantages and expand the sphere of influence. It was established that in order to create a new project at the enterprise, it is necessary to determine the direction of work, taking into account the peculiarities and specifics of the enterprise's activity. The author's research and analysis showed that the process of developing and implementing an innovative project uses the results of innovative activity to increase the efficiency of the process or activity in the relevant field. At the same time, the quality of the innovative project and the products produced in accordance with it are determined at the stage of marketing research. At this time, the assessment of the compliance of the internal development opportunities of the enterprise (its potential for innovative development) with external factors arising on the market (market opportunities and threats) is carried out. Practical significance. Thus, innovative projects are often more efficient, but at the same time risky. For the successful implementation of an innovative project, it is important to have a focus on a modern sales and marketing system, highly qualified personnel, the availability of the latest technologies, a clear concept of product implementation and the enterprise's mission.


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How to Cite
Pavlovskyi, S., Melnyk, N., & Kosyak, O. (2023). THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF THE INNOVATION PROJECT: ESSENCE AND STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT. Kyiv Economic Scientific Journal, (2), 34-42.