Keywords: socially responsible business, social entrepreneurship, full-scale invasion, war, war economy


The authors of the article prove that socially responsible activities of enterprises in modern conditions are considered as an example of solidarity between business and society in order to help save human lives, and also contribute to raising the living standards of Ukrainians. The authors prove that currently social responsibility of business is becoming the main tool for supporting employees during quarantine restrictions, as well as for fulfilling voluntarily assumed social obligations to stakeholders and society as a whole. After all, social responsibility in Ukraine, together with private property, legal guarantees, an effective management system, self-governing and market institutions, can become the basis for the formation of a socially oriented market economy. It is highlighted that leading Ukrainian companies are implementing all possible measures to support their employees. To develop this system at all levels of the economy, it is necessary to create new effective mechanisms. In the article, the authors also emphasize that the synergistic effect of implementing socially responsible relations between business, the state and citizens is crucial for the sustainable development of the country. Supporting businesses in times of crisis, including through job preservation, medical and humanitarian assistance, and the integration of socially responsible practices at different levels of government, creates a solid foundation for economic recovery. Such interaction not only ensures social stability, but also contributes to the further development of small and medium-sized businesses, improves the quality of life of the population, and increases trust in government institutions. In this regard, Ukraine needs to continue to develop effective models of social responsibility that can become the basis for further economic transformation and ensure sustainable development in the post-crisis period.


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How to Cite
Hryvkivska, O., Korol, O., Filchenko, I., Dudkovskyi, T., & Bratukh, V. (2024). SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY OF UKRAINIAN BUSINESS IN CONDITIONS OF UNCERTAINTY. Kyiv Economic Scientific Journal, (7), 56-63.